Boareskyr Bridge
I'm at Boareskyr Bridge, and I think I'm ready to step through the teleport circle. However, there's a lot of XP still on the hoof in the form of the crusaders. In the interest of maximizing my XP, is it ok to kill the crusaders at this point or should I teleport now and come back for them later? I don't want to miss out on any quests.
The flaming fist and bridgefort groups are standing around and everyone's dialogue sound like we've won. No one is attacking and there is nothing to indicate that the battle is still in progress. Khalid is wandering around, but none of his dialogue options seem to help.
ETA: Correction, a flaming fist healer says something like, "I can't believe we just let them take the fort", which I can assure you was not the case.
It seems that starting hostilities yourself isn't very well covered in the scripts.
Edited for typo's.
Well, I've obviously done something that the scripts weren't prepared for. If an admin can tell me what I need to do to progress, I would appreciate it. I have no problem with changing game variables if that's what I need to do.
In addition, what difficulty do you play on? On Easy/Normal you only need to kill Barghest and Oloneiros to win. On Core the requirement includes Vichand, Hormorn and 10+ regular soldiers. If you play on Core or higher, try to temporarily lower the difficulty.
Otherwise, if you have a save made after everyone in vicinity is killed, could you attach it? I see what's wrong there, but it's more of a consequence rather than cause. If FFs and defenders were told to wait for the sounds of battle, they will engage immediately. If not, then it takes one turn for FFs to arrive, and the defenders will wait until at least ten crusaders are killed before they decide it's safe to join the battle.
If you know how to change the difficulty flags in the save, then you can continue playing that, as you most certainly did meet the victory conditions.
If you'd rather not use the modified save, then you can enter this in console C:SetGlobal("bd_crusaders_killed","bd2000",31) to make the game recognize everyone is long dead in the camp.
Quite a bizarre bug, I must add...
Thank you for this - the FF never seemed to arrive for me, but maybe I attacked too early? Do you have to reach a certain point in the narrative or can you trigger this without even entering Bridgefort?
On a related note, I've seen several reports that players had difficulty informing FF command that Bridgefortians are ready to strike in unison (I suspect a bug there), so maybe it affected your game as well.
Fixed and moving forward, thanks for the help. It's not really that bizarre, the Infinity Engine has always been twitchy about updating death variables.
It may be because I charmed the crusaders (except for the boss and some other unique enemies) and directed them to kill each other one at a time while remaining charmed. This strategy allowed me to get the XP for all the crusaders without turning the camp hostile. It took a lot of reloading, but it was well worth avoiding most of the large-scale combat on a solo LOB run.