cannot damage .... [spoiler]

anybody have advice on vidyadhar, the spirit that looks like a rakshasa? It's one of the spirits you see with the spectacles. So far, nothing seems to damage it.
Post edited by Quill_Armguard on
Maybe try running away or waiting out the protection spell, or try your luck casting Breach. There's definitely a way to take it down.
And yeah, his rakshasa immunities are: immunity to spells till level seven and to +1 weapons or normal.
You couldn't harm it with +2 weapons because he was most certainly affected by PfMW.
It sounds like this fight is designed like the Drizzt fight - designed to be almost unwinnable. He actually says "I don't believe you can harm me, mortal".
I think it's scripted to depart after a certain amount of time, rather than by damage taken (I could be wrong though) so you would have to kill him quickly.
I dispelled his protections, lowered him to 3/4 hp and killed it with a backstab using a buffed Safana (19Str, Potion of Power, Chant, Bless and +4 thac0 for invisibility).
The advantage of the fire method is you don't need to dispel any protections.
You're fire strategy could work only if all your characters use a potion at the same time while he is already hurt, since you need to deal 69 fire damage.
If you simply have to wait for his PfMW to wear off and then start to attack him.
He can't even see invisible targets.
It's a bit cheesy, I guess, but it did the trick.
The same with Mirror Image?
Because I wonder if it should be possible to shoot him with normal arrows - or Magic Missile - until his stoneskins and mirror images are gone, then resort to the magic weapons that can actually hit him.
What you can use: dispels and divination attacks like Oracle and True Seeing; those hit as level 0, ignoring the rakshasa immunity to spells.
Basic stats on Vidyadhar:
Rakshasa, with the standard immunity to spells of level 1-7 and nonmagical weapons. Upgrade that weapon immunity to protect against weapons below +2; the most basic "rakshasa" enemies in BG2 don't have that level of immunity, but all of the higher-rank ones (rukh, rajah, maharajah) do.
Fighter/mage class, levels 11/12.
Base AC -5, 18 DEX, 2 pts single-weapon style for overall AC -11.
Saves 7/7/8/8/8.
87 HP, no damage type resistances.
If you fight and get him below 50% HP, he gives you the Modron Heart amulet (which he's wearing), awards 5K XP, and teleports away never to be seen again. Actually killing him gets you twice as much XP, plus a +3 scimitar (that he wields) and a scroll of Protection From Magic in addition to the amulet, but you need serious burst damage to get past that trigger.
You can also get the amulet without a fight by solving his riddle. But no XP that way.