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Durlags Tower Find Traps

What should find traps be for entering durlags tower. 90?


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  • TenreccTenrecc Member Posts: 265
    Anyone know for sure? I'm positive I've done it with lower than 100, probably 80-ish. Can't say for sure though, but now I'm interested in trying it out just to find out.

    Although maybe I've levelled it up while being in there. There's quite good exp in there iirc.
  • Yulaw9460Yulaw9460 Member Posts: 634
    edited November 2018
    Post edited by Yulaw9460 on
  • QuiqueQuique Member Posts: 62
    As far as I can remember, the thoughest trap there was in Durlag was the one at the altar where you get the third WIS tome. You needed about 100 DT to be able to see it but it was impossible to disarm (this needs to be confirmed, I don't recall if it was possible with an insane amount of DT) but the trap consisted on a spell so any character with low saves or MR would pick it up safely.

    If it fits you, I had Monty with 75 OL, 85 DT in 1.3 and was able to handle the whole thing with 5 or 6 potions of perception tops. The standard Imoen build with 95 OL 100 DT should be able to handle everything in there except the trap I mentioned earlier.
  • BelfaldurnikBelfaldurnik Member Posts: 212
    Even a skill of 120 is not enough to disarm that trap.
    It's a Dire Charm trap you can protect against.

  • SharguildSharguild Member Posts: 186
    Summoning spells (even wands) can prove very handy in DT.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    I think the absolute lowest you need for durlag's tower is 95% if that is what you wish to have without the aid of potions, although I cant recall if im 100% correct on that, I know that once you start going through the basement levels you will need an easy 90%+ but 95% is okay to have because:

    there is a shield down there that will give you +1 to dexterity, and if your DEX is 15 or higher, that will give you 5% more in your trap detecting/disarming skill

    but with that all being said, if I can recall I playthrough I had within the last few years, I had 95 going through durlags tower and I was getting by without breaking a sweat, so if you are looking for the optimal amount, I would go with 95 ( although 100 would just guarantee that you would be alright )
  • DevardKrownDevardKrown Member Posts: 421
    sarevok57 said:

    I think the absolute lowest you need for durlag's tower is 95% if that is what you wish to have without the aid of potions, although I cant recall if im 100% correct on that, I know that once you start going through the basement levels you will need an easy 90%+ but 95% is okay to have because:

    there is a shield down there that will give you +1 to dexterity, and if your DEX is 15 or higher, that will give you 5% more in your trap detecting/disarming skill

    but with that all being said, if I can recall I playthrough I had within the last few years, I had 95 going through durlags tower and I was getting by without breaking a sweat, so if you are looking for the optimal amount, I would go with 95 ( although 100 would just guarantee that you would be alright )
    can confirm that , set my swash6/mage to 90 all skills with the BG tome i hit 95 and was able to pick all expect that wisdom book one ..leaving a few points for traps (maxes out at 30 , not too bad)
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    I usually just try and hit 85 and then make use of the generous number of potions of perception in the lower levels. Seriously, even if you rely on them pretty heavily you'll still come out with more than you went in with. That does tell me, however, that 85 is not sufficient for many traps, and 105 works for everything but that charm trap on the wisdom tome in the upper levels.
  • ColdArmColdArm Member Posts: 2
    I have Imoen as Thief, she has 105% on Detect Traps. Using Potion of Perception her ability is 125% but she still can NOT detect traps on Durlag Tower Lower Level 2 in Torture Room and in a passway from Switch room to Bridge room.
    I'm playing on Core Rules difficulty.

    Any recommendations?
  • UnderstandMouseMagicUnderstandMouseMagic Member Posts: 2,147
    ColdArm said:

    I have Imoen as Thief, she has 105% on Detect Traps. Using Potion of Perception her ability is 125% but she still can NOT detect traps on Durlag Tower Lower Level 2 in Torture Room and in a passway from Switch room to Bridge room.
    I'm playing on Core Rules difficulty.

    Any recommendations?

    Pretty sure that has nothing to do with the detect traps score, is she close enough, has she had enough time?

    I find if you can detect all 5 traps from the room with Love, Pride, ect. dwaves, to the room behind ( the short passage where the dead bodies give you a clue there are traps), the rest of the tower is fine.
  • dunbardunbar Member Posts: 1,603
    edited November 2018
    Fwiw, if your objective is just to 'get through' DT (for the Soultaker, rather than the XP) it can be done without a thief at all. I've soloed it a few times with different classes (one of which was a mage, which was rather painful). The key is that none of the items needed to progress through the tower are found in containers that you actually need to lockpick and all the traps are survivable with enough healing potions (although there is one very nasty trap on the wardstone for the third level that needs some careful planning to survive)..
  • ColdArmColdArm Member Posts: 2

    Pretty sure that has nothing to do with the detect traps score, is she close enough, has she had enough time?

    You were right!
    Some walkthrough suggested to turn AI off. :(
    In other words - my thief had no turned detect traps on.
    I'm sorry.

  • UnderstandMouseMagicUnderstandMouseMagic Member Posts: 2,147
    ColdArm said:

    Pretty sure that has nothing to do with the detect traps score, is she close enough, has she had enough time?

    You were right!
    Some walkthrough suggested to turn AI off. :(
    In other words - my thief had no turned detect traps on.
    I'm sorry.

    Easily done, glad you sorted it out. :)
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