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MODS! Which ones to get?!

Fina92Fina92 Member Posts: 284
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
Hi! What is your favorite mod? Why?

I've have only ever tried the Tsujatha romance mod (which I thought was really great) but now I'm looking around for more... Any suggestions? :)


  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    It's a bit tricky to condense mod advice in a structured way, though if I could only choose one mod for BG it would possibly be The BG1 NPC Project, - I'd recommend it to anyone and everyone playing BG1.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    edited September 2012
    G3 Bug fix mods
    G3 Tweak mod
    Wide screen mod

    Sorry I'm boring. These are definitely the best mods which I will typically use.
    I have, however tried out the vast majority of content mods out there, but those really come down to personal taste.
    I never have a mega modded game, If I want new content, I would typically only install 1 or 2 new things at a time, and even if I like a content mod, I would probably uninstall it the next time I played and revisit it at a later date.
  • BeetleBeetle Member Posts: 46
    edited September 2012
    For extra BG1 content, you have some excellent NPC options:

    Finch - gnome cleric (

    Indira - half-elf fighter/mage (same place as Finch, just scroll down)

    Gavin - romanceable (by females) male cleric you can take into BG2 (
  • ArcalianArcalian Member Posts: 359
    BG2: Angelo, Tyris Flare, Amber, and if you're reaaaaaaaaaaaly evil, Valen.

    I cannot gaurantee that all these mods will work together, however.
  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560
    edited September 2012
    Tweak/Fixes in this install order:

    - BG2 Tweaks
    - SCS
    - aTweaks

    Playstyle favorites:

    - SCS. Improves the mob AI and makes Mage based enemies *much* tougher. An absolute must if you're well versed in combat mechanics, because this can make enemies like Silke more difficult and the Nashkel mines something of a challenge.

    - Spell Revisions. Highly recommended. Improves low level spells while maintaining good balance. More spells scale in a sensible way. Adds a few that make the game more fun.

    - Item Randomizer. Takes all the magical items and puts them in different locations at the start of every game. So you can no longer depend on getting that Ring of Wizardry, Gauntlets of Dexterity or Ankheg Armor so early. Increases the variety of each playthrough, because each mini-boss and chapter boss drops different loot.

    - 1PP & Tutu GUI. 1PP restores the original BG1 paper dolls, shields, and helmets to BG2/Tutu games. Tutu GUI makes the BG2 interface look and play like it did in the original game.
  • MilesBeyondMilesBeyond Member Posts: 324
    Rogue Rebalancing.

    Just got this one myself not terribly long ago. Awesome mod. Here are some highlights:

    1. Kits are rebalanced. This is especially important for the Bounty Hunter and Skald, who no longer become useless after HLAs are introduced. It also gives the Assassin some nifty new abilities, and Swashbucklers get Fighter THAC0 progression.

    2. Thieving is revised. This is the biggest one for me. With this, if you get caught pickpocketing or stealing from a shop, you have a chance to talk your way out of it. If you succeed, you don't get the item, but you also don't get any punishment - and you can attempt to steal again (up to three times, with each time the check to talk your way out of it getting more and more difficult). If you fail, the person will no longer speak to you. No more entire city turning hostile. Sure, it can suck, if the person's a shopkeeper or quest-giver, but it's not an instant-reload. So now, suddenly, pickpocketing and stealing from shops are a LOT more viable.

    3. All thieves can now put up to 3 pips in Dual-Wielding, as per P&P (since this was originally a Swashbuckler bonus, they now get Fighter THAC0, as noted above)

    4. All bards can now eventually cast up to level 8 spells, as per P&P

    5. Some new HLAs are added, while others are altered

    6. Traps are now "alchemical," rather than magical (i.e. trap effects, most notably Bounty Hunter's, now bypass magic resistance, etc)

    All of these and more are separate components and can be installed or skipped over at your leisure. Fantastic mod, and works for Tutu as well.
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    try the tactics mod for bg2 if you desire a challenge muhahaha....
  • ramagonsramagons Member Posts: 96
    i can't wait to play bg ee because loading all the mods i wanted would take like 7 hours and involve tracking down a bunch of incompatibilities until I just felt like crying and giving up
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited September 2012
    BG1 Fixpack (Gibberlings 3)
    BG2 Fixpack (G3)
    Sword Coast Stratagems (G3)
    Sword Coast Stratagems II (G3)
    1 PP (Spellhold Studios)
    Widescreen Mod (G3)
    Ladejarl's BG1 GUI (Pocket Plane Group)
    BG1 Mini Quests and Encounters (G3)
    BG1 Unfinished Business (PPG)
    Unfinished Business (PPG)
    Berserker Minsc (Sorcerers Place)

    The above modify the game in relatively subtle ways that I feel greatly enhance the game. Note, though, that with SCS (for BG1) and SCS II (for BG2) you will see right away how much smarter enemies behave, particularly their spellcasters. The challenge in combat will definitely be increased. You can choose among settings for variable difficulty. SCS also has some very nifty optional 'ease-of-use' SCS components, such as making chapter 5 NPCs available earlier in the game, and making it possible to split up NPC pairs. This mod is highly customizable, so I include it in my list of mods that make subtle changes. But you certainly can go full out with its various components and change the game a lot.

    I really like what Berserker Minsc does for Minsc, so I always install that one. It makes his special ability (Berserk) actually useful and removes his spells, which I never use for him anyway.

    Mods that are more overtly game-altering

    BG1 NPC Project (G3) is a very ambitious project that shows up in rather pronounced way. You're going to see a lot of banter between your party members which may or may not square up with how you envision the characters. Even if it's not how you picture the NPCs, this mod is still definitely worth a play-through at some point just for the truly impressive effort that it puts forth. It's a fun mod.

    BG1 Tweaks and BG2 Tweakpack allow you to customize a lot of things in the game that add convenience. Eg, the 'Happy Patch' that keeps alignments from leaving due to rep, unlimited item stacking, etc.

    Level 1 NPCs (G3) allows you to change NPCs' classes and stats. I like using this to make Imoen a Bard, sometimes. Or, for example, you can make Kivan an Archer, if he wasn't already devastating enough.

    Baldur's Gate Trilogy (SHS) is a great way to play the entire saga.

    As for NPC mods it's been a long time since I played, but I found Kelsey and Hubblepot were two of the best out there. (Hubblepot provides for RP value--I would not recommend using him if you're just looking to mop the floor with enemies.)

    Dark Side of the Sword Coast (SHS) I have a soft spot for. The sound quality for the voice acting of its NPCs is often poor. And it adds items and spells that are arguably overpowered. But it is just a lot of fun for me even so. One of its quests in particular has a really fun monster.
  • JaxsbudgieJaxsbudgie Member Posts: 600
    Here are the mods I normally use:

    Rogue Rebalancing
    Song & Silence
    Spell Revisions
    Item Revisions
    ToB Ex
    Unfinished Business
    BG2 Tweaks
    Level 1 NPCs

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