Sick BG, BG2, or IWD Equipment Setups

Was playing the first IWD and noticed a sick equipment setup for a Fighter. Was wondering if anyone else had a recommended setup for a certain class/character from BG, BG2, or IWD. Here's the one I was talking about for IWD:
First -- You need to be a Non-Good alignment. Now that can mean Lawful Neutral if you're still wanting to play a good party.
Second -- You need a Natural 18/00 Strength on your Fighter. Not too hard to roll if you work at it.
Third -- Need a 1-Handed Weapon to Focus On. I recommend Great Swords, and utilizing Bastard Swords because they are still one handed and have excellent damage output (not to mention there are some awesome ones in game).
Equip the following items:
Ring of Dwarven Bone (+1 Strength - Only Usable by Non-Good Alignments)
Large Shield of Strength (+1 Large Shield that also Grants +1 Strength)
Icewind Dale's mechanics increases Strength in percentile increments. If you have an 18/91 for example, and equip a +1 Strength item like one of those above, it takes you to 18/00. So by starting with 18/00, +1 will take you to 19, and the next +1 will take you to 20.
What do you end up with?
A Fighter with Grand Mastery in Great Swords and a 20 Strength. Additionally, he's still using a Shield so your armor class does not suffer from using a two-handed weapon. Give him the Bastard Sword: +3 Defender to accentuate your Armor Class even more. What a beast.
First -- You need to be a Non-Good alignment. Now that can mean Lawful Neutral if you're still wanting to play a good party.
Second -- You need a Natural 18/00 Strength on your Fighter. Not too hard to roll if you work at it.
Third -- Need a 1-Handed Weapon to Focus On. I recommend Great Swords, and utilizing Bastard Swords because they are still one handed and have excellent damage output (not to mention there are some awesome ones in game).
Equip the following items:
Ring of Dwarven Bone (+1 Strength - Only Usable by Non-Good Alignments)
Large Shield of Strength (+1 Large Shield that also Grants +1 Strength)
Icewind Dale's mechanics increases Strength in percentile increments. If you have an 18/91 for example, and equip a +1 Strength item like one of those above, it takes you to 18/00. So by starting with 18/00, +1 will take you to 19, and the next +1 will take you to 20.
What do you end up with?
A Fighter with Grand Mastery in Great Swords and a 20 Strength. Additionally, he's still using a Shield so your armor class does not suffer from using a two-handed weapon. Give him the Bastard Sword: +3 Defender to accentuate your Armor Class even more. What a beast.
staff of magi, robe of vecna, power amulet, boot of speed, ring of gaax, belt of inertial barrier
This guy is moving faster than hasted, having a thac0 that is just like the one of a low level fighter (but with a "-"). Use of improved whirlwind attack possible, but not needed. Aimed shot ability improves thac0 even further, but what for?
If someone ever manages to catch up with that guy, he can switch to dual wielding, Hindo's Doom +4 and Yamato +4 for example. This is only theory though, no one ever catches up with him.
If one could use arrows of spell breaking in ToB, that would be the most overpowered bastard ever, killing Amellysan in no time!
I believe you're actually capable of getting up to 21 dex if you use an elf or halfling. However, I see to remember one of the Hell trials makes you give up a point or two of dex in response =(