Black Pits 2 Hirelings

How about changing the various hirelings available in Black Pits 2 to full-fledged npcs like those in BG´s? It would bring an increase in depth and customization, and make forming a party a nice feature. As the system is now, I´ve found myself soloing a lot, due to rolling a whole party of 6 appearing too much to bother. Having 1 hireling to help in battles is oftentimes just enough to make it to the next round, but having a full party of npcs could make the arena battles more fun, plus if the´d have banter and some side quests, maybe even romance, the Black Pits 2 could even rival the trilogy.
How about changing the various hirelings available in Black Pits 2 to full-fledged npcs like those in BG´s? It would bring an increase in depth and customization, and make forming a party a nice feature. As the system is now, I´ve found myself soloing a lot, due to rolling a whole party of 6 appearing too much to bother. Having 1 hireling to help in battles is oftentimes just enough to make it to the next round, but having a full party of npcs could make the arena battles more fun, plus if the´d have banter and some side quests, maybe even romance, the Black Pits 2 could even rival the trilogy.