Shouldn't delay between stronghold related quests be shorter?

It takes you one whole week (game time) for another stronghold quest to come up - therefore it'd take you 2 months to train your mage pupils, present your theater play , fight the roenalls etc...
The problem is that an experienced player can do all main chapter 2 quests in two weeks, so we'll never be able to complete our stronghold related quests . I've even tried checking how I could fasten it through infinity editor, but to no avail...
The problem is that an experienced player can do all main chapter 2 quests in two weeks, so we'll never be able to complete our stronghold related quests . I've even tried checking how I could fasten it through infinity editor, but to no avail...
And as stated, if you want to advance time you can just rest or Ctrl+T to your heart's desire.
Also, think about it from a RP-ing perspective: how likely would it be to have a new quest / issue to solve every second day, to to finish training your mage pupils in a week (while you were adventuring as well) and so on?