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Floor traps

My current group is in the catacombs under Candlekeep and has suddenly lost the ability to locate floor traps. Poor Imoen is getting beat up pretty bad. She can see trapped articles, but not the traps on the floor. Anyone else ever run into this problem? My main character is also a thief and he can't find them either.


  • DaevelonDaevelon Member Posts: 610
    edited April 2016
    How many points has your "disarm traps" ability?
    Post edited by Daevelon on
  • magisenseimagisensei Member Posts: 316
    Odd it might be a bug - if you can see trapped furnishings but can't see trapped floors - it might be a bug of some kind.

    I've only come across this is Dalgurs Tower - but that was mostly because you could only see traps coming from one way (angle was horrible if you came from a different direction - couldn't even see them) oddly enough if you can from the other side you could see all the traps on the floor but this doesn't happen in Candlekeep crypt.

    What do you have in find traps?
  • BltzftzBltzftz Member Posts: 5
    I went to Beamdog's main site and found another update available. Trap problem went away.
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