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Options on installation

LozLoz Member Posts: 19
For some players (me for example) the real desire is just to play the game as a nostalgic trip, but with the bugs, resolution, compatibility and such things fixed. I do not really want to play any of the new content, and if I do it will be because I play through the original game and still feel in the mood for BG.

My question then, is will there be an option AT INSTALL as to whether I want the new areas, npcs and black pits arena? What I ideally envision is some sort of checkboxes where I can just uncheck all the new stuff.

As an extra note, such a checkbox system would be marvelous if it could work with mods too. One of the primary problems with mods right now is a rather annoying install process. Again, I don't really use mods that add new content, but I do like to crank the difficulty up a notch and add one or two tweaks.


  • LekianLekian Member Posts: 108
    If you do not wish to play any of the new content it is just as simple as not picking any of the new NPC for your party.

    Tha Black Pits is a stand alone area and does not change any of the original content. And as far as the contracts Overhaul/ Beamdog have signed they cannot change any of the original content.

    Bottom line is you can play the game in the exact way you originally did but ENHANCED!
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
    I second the wish for checkboxes for difficulty and tweaks. As per the current BG, tweaking takes a lot of time. Bugfixes should all be included in vanilla BGEE, but there's many tweaks that many people would like and many would not, but which would still be handy to be part of BGEE instead of having BGEE and still have to go through lots of WeiDu installs. Things like 'shut up gather your party', 'bigger ammo stacks', 'smarter general AI', etc. (I'd have to take a look at a WeiDu log to sum them all up, but it would be a long post).

    Somehow I'm scared we will have a sleeker, faster BG with less bugs, but which still needs lots of tweaking to get it to fit ones personal taste. Three-quarters of an hour installing WeiDu's instead of an hour and a half.
  • LoremasterLoremaster Member Posts: 212
    edited October 2012
    To be able to configure the game for each playthrough would help alot and I hope the devs build a good configuration into the new edition. One time you want to play solo, next time you want an all-mage runthrough or something else. I prefere playing to installing, uninstalling and reinstalling mods all time; in other words - a good game configuration.

    Perhaps several options when you start a new game is preferable to options upon installation. Difficulty is one thing that can be selected, perhaps in various ways; one slider for damage, another for enemy targeting, another for enemy pre-buffing. Other things that could be varied when beginning a new game are, ammo stacks and gem/potion/scroll stacks. Other might have further ideas on what can be configured, so please fill in.
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