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PnP for the secluded!

UlysissUlysiss Member Posts: 18
This may seem like a bit of a strnage question but I was wondering if anyone knows of an online version of PnP? Im not talking something like NwN but perhaps a forum where you can engage in a PnP campaign or something similar?

Over the years I have played plenty of DnD games and contributed to many roleplaying forums but apart from a few weeks in high school I have never had the chance to play proper PnP, and living in Western Australia I have been unable to find any clubs or groups that do such a thing.

So yeh, throwing it out there a bit - I myself understand that it could well be impossible to do such a thing over the computer...but the internet is a strange place sometimes.

let me know.


  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560
    Penny Arcade features a forum where people play turn based table top games. Is that the kind of thing you mean?
  • MatteoTuriniMatteoTurini Member Posts: 105
    I have a lot of friends all around the world, and we all love rpgs, but we can't manage to meet in person so very often. But we discovered that we could play via Google Hangout (on Google+) with just a webcam and an internet connection and, though it is not exactly the same experience, it's still pretty good, enough to let us play whenever we want, each one without moving from their home.

    If you have some friends interested, you could try it. Or, anyway, there are some circles and pages, on Google+, that are there to let player meet online. I don't know specifically about Ad&d, though.
  • bdeonovicbdeonovic Member Posts: 86
    My friends are starting a campaign at looks really nice
  • GemHoundGemHound Member Posts: 801
    This does look interesting. Thankyou.
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