Must have mage spells for each level?
Member Posts: 179
What would you say are your must have staple spells for each level? I am contemplating starting a bard / fighter-mage / sorcerer but not to sure which are the must have spells to use for each spell level.
Skull Trap gets ridiculous at high levels because it has no damage cap. Also I think I read somewhere on here that it uses save vs. breath weapon, which is unique.
Flame Arrow is another favorite of mine from Level 3 spells.
Horror is pretty awesome until you get high level and everything saves against it.
2. Know alignment
3. Protection from cold
4. Contagion
5. Protection from acid
6. Stone to flesh
7. Improved chaos shield
8. Protection from energy
9. Energy drain
With that said, unfortunately it has been voted that @ramagons, you have been voted for the last Melf's Acid Arrow in the wizard repitore. DIE TROLL :P
2. Melf's Acid Arrow
3. Fireball
4. Stoneskin/Minor Sequencer
5. Breach
6. True Sight/Contingency
7. Spell Sequencer/Summon Djinni or Summon Efreeti
8. Protection from Energy/Spell Trigger
9. Energy Drain/Chain Contingency
Sequencers/Contingencies/Spell Trigger are especially powerful if you are a multi-classed Wizard/Cleric
Magic Missile does not miss. Although that many clumped trolls are just aching for a fireball spell *twitch*
Don't much care for Summon's outside the Deva's/Elemental's, and Time Stop, and basically every other lvl 9 spell beats Energy Drain (So limited in use vs the things you want to use it on)
All of them. ALL OF THE SPELLS.
In all honesty, there is no such thing. For BG1, I'd say the only must-have spell is Armor at level 1. That's about it. If you need damage or CC or protection, there's different ways to achieve each of those for just about every level.
In BG2, I'd also say Breach and Ruby Ray of Reversal are absolute musts. Anything that strips enemy mage buffs ends up making a lot of the otherwise super difficult fights total pushovers.
2. Mirroir Image
3. Skull Trap
4. Contagion
5. (Weird choice but) Spell Shield
6. Tenser's Tranformation
7. Project Image
8. Spell Triger
9. Time Stop
Personally for me that's the spells that you must have if you are a Fighter/Mage
I still love Sequenced Magic Missiles and Skull Traps!!
and have been growing very fond of druids and their woodland summons
LVL 1: Sleep (key for BG1; worthless in BG2), Magic Missile, Chromatic Orb, Protection from Petrification or Identify, Find Familiar (if someone knows where a scroll is located in BG1, I would eliminate this and replace with Shield or whichever of the prot pet/ident you didn't pick)
LVL 2: Web, Mirror Image, Remove Fear, Invisibility, Blur (you need Knock if you play without a thief)
LVL 3: Melf's Meteors, Remove Magic, Skull Trap, Dispel Magic, Flame Arrow
LVL 4: Stoneskin. Oh, you have to pick something else? Polymorph Self (slime is 100% magic resistant to frustrate enemy mages), Improved Invisibility, Greater Malison, Teleport Field or Spirit Armor
LVL 5: Breach, Lower Resistance, Spell Immunity, Cloudkill, Sunfire
LVL 6: Protection from Magical Weapons, Contingency, True Sight, Improved Haste, Death Fog
LVL 7: Project Image, Mordenkainen's Sword, Spell Sequencer, Delayed Fireball Blast
LVL 8: Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting, Spell Trigger, Simulcram, Power Word Blind
LVL 9: Chain Contingency, Wish, Time Stop
Anyway the only two spells you absolutely must have are Breach and True Sight. Without having access to them in some way the game becomes almost unbeatable. ( luckily clerics have true sight and there are wands of breach in tob)
fighter/mages and mages have completely different spell selection..
Reasons? BECAUSE it does fire damage. You can buff your melee guys up with resistance to fire and then lob away a salvo of fireballs without worrying about hurting your own guys. Can't do that with Skull Trap. Also it hits a larger area. Worth noting.
Also anyone saying Magic Missile is bad is just trying to be a D&D hipster. It's a great spell. It's 10 to 25 damage, instantly, unerring, for a first level slot. It also hits 5 times therefore removes 5 images from mirror image, a commonly used defensive spell. There is a lot of value in that. Also, the only other worthwhile damage spell at level 1 is Chromatic Orb, which allows enemies to save against it to negate all damage.
1: Magic Missile, Sleep, Armor
2: Mirror Image, Web
3: Fireball, Dispel Magic, Hold Person
4: Improved Invisibility, Stoneskin
5: Chaos, Breach, Spell Immunity
Considering BG1 consists of only lower levels, these would be the best choices. Mirror Image and Fireball are the best spells in BG1.
3. Melf's Minute Meteor
4: FIre Shield(s), Secret Word, Greater Malison
5: Lower Resistance
Basically choose any spell that you think is good in BG2 (maybe Finger of Death, Disintegrate, Flesh to Stone). the only spells you *sort* of need are Greater Malison and Lower Resistance which make things a bit easier. By the time mages get 7th or 8th level spells they are unstoppable anyway.
Secret Word is a really good spell, just because it's only level 4. Dispels 1 8th level or lower buff - mage killer.
Minute Meteor: These can damage liches, dragons and the toughest golems, which usually have high spell resistance. Also great last resort spell. Each meteor can do up to 15 or so damage, and they fire so quickly that crits are really common. Even misses deal 1 damage. 1 meteor/level I think.
Note: The only protection spell worth getting after 5th level is Spell Trap.
>BECAUSE it does fire damage.
Of all the revelations you are usually posting this is probably the worst one. Or maybe it was that dragons are immune to timestop.
Sick of your shit, dude. Thanks for not reading the rest of my post. If you want to follow me around and attack me at every turn, feel free. You're officially on my shit list, troll.
In the second game, Skull Trap is tactically the better spell. It also causes damage that no mob can resist and has no ceiling. But neither of those advantages really come into play in BG1.
But for the first game, hell yeah load Edwin up with Fireballs and go to town!
Yeah, looking at it strictly from bg1 perspective, its passable i agree. Although it has a lot of competition with haste there. Haste with summons is an absolute monster of a spell.
I read your comment on my post :rolleyes: Except there is also a spell granting immunity to magic damage, so you advocating fire damage because "skull trap cant be made party friendly", is again completely off. It most certainly is possible, not to say extremely devastating with skull traps. At the same time granting immunity vs enemy Horrid Wiltings. And Magic Missiles, lol.