Dhampyr Bhaalspawn? Feasible?

Taken from the Forgotten Realms Wiki article about dhampyrs: Dhampyrs, also known as "daywalkers," are living creatures who have inherited some of the tainted blood of vampires. Some are the descendants of male vampires and mortal females, but many others have dhampyrs for parents and some result from a vampire of either sex biting a pregnant female. A dhampyr's powers may lie dormant for years before being quickened; dhampyrs may also have children who are normal in every respect. Possessing some of the strengths of vampires and none of their traditional weaknesses, dhampyrs are simultaneously valued and discriminated against by both sides of their heritage.
Another article about vampires: In some rare circumstances, a vampire consumes enough blood to be mistaken for a human. Then in even rarer cases, they breed with a humanoid or monstrous humanoid, creating a Half-Vampire. This unholy creation also occurs when a pregnant mother survives a vampires blood drain attack and the child is tainted in the result.
Could it have been possible for Bhaal to assume the form of a vampire and create dhampyr offspring?
Another article about vampires: In some rare circumstances, a vampire consumes enough blood to be mistaken for a human. Then in even rarer cases, they breed with a humanoid or monstrous humanoid, creating a Half-Vampire. This unholy creation also occurs when a pregnant mother survives a vampires blood drain attack and the child is tainted in the result.
Could it have been possible for Bhaal to assume the form of a vampire and create dhampyr offspring?
A Bhaalspawn like this?
Bhaal seemed to get around a lot so to speak, considering some of his more exotic offspring like Abazigal, Yaga-Shura or even a certain group residing the Marching Mountains... so I guess a dhampyr would not be completely out of the question.
As for the dhampyr thing, it makes just as much sense as a dragon Bhaalspawn. Any number of ways it could have come about, and no logical reason against any of them.
As any "average" race, you have tainted blood, you grow up, learn about your heritage, it becomes a scandal, etc.
But as a monster bhaalspawn, it seem like you are just another "Boss" monster on some adventurers hit list.
Totally role-playable of course, but it would not be easy to squeeze into a "Default" story line. it would be a very unique experience.
Dhampyrs might be easier, basically acting like a drow might in the surface world.
Nymphs would need to mitigate the magical infatuation they create among mortals.
Medusa would need to hide their most monstrous features, and never look anybody in the eye. Ever.
But essentially, they would all need to hide the fact they are part monster, lest they have a mob hunting them wherever they go.
If not, you could actually argue that the half orc and half elven shouldn't be possible player races either..
If Bhaal becomes a vampire and bites a pregnant female, the child won't be a Bhaalspawn at all, it will still have the genetic imprint of his original father. IF, however, a mother is bit by a generic vampire, while pregnant with a legitimate Bhaalspawn, it may be possible, but I seriously doubt the chance of this happening. And I refuse to believe a vampire can have an off-spring-a child if mating with a living creature, no matter how well fed-a vampire is still a dead thing, unable to produce a spark of life. Vampires can not produce life, they can only drain it to sustain their masquerade of life. They can have sex, I suppose, it is their whole gimmick of being 'almost' human-passionate and sexy even-but not really, it is just a mimickry of the living.
The most interesting thing however about this issue are the Deathtouched. A race similar to planetouched, only with undead progenitors.
According to the article, a deathtouched child may arrise from victims of a bungled resurrection spell, half-vampire parents, or if an unborn child is infused with small amount of negative energy for a long period of time. They got even so popular that Pathfinder included the Deathtouched as a bloodline within their Ultimate Campaign hardcover book.
@lunar, the Libris Mortis handbook seems to give credit to half-vampires as a legitimate, playable race (or trait, rather). I realise how absurd it might sound for undead creatures overall to be able to reproduce, though, so I certainly agree with you on the rareness argument.