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Best voice acting fails!

SilenceSilence Member Posts: 437
edited October 2012 in Off-Topic
In my time gaming, I've come across more than a few voice acting fails. Here's my pick for no. 1, from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

What's yours?
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  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    edited October 2012
    It sounds like they just took the game programmers and recorded them in a garage.
  • Awong124Awong124 Member Posts: 2,642
    Are you serious? That's actually what the game is like?
  • ArkynomiconArkynomicon Member Posts: 52
    I heard that they just told people to read the lines without telling them context. Apparently it was cheaper that way when localising the game.

    I'm sure it is better done in the original Japanese version.
  • SharnSharn Member Posts: 188
    Despite that, its still an insanely awesome game.
  • State_LemmingState_Lemming Member Posts: 375
    Oldie but goodie.

  • ArkynomiconArkynomicon Member Posts: 52

    From Guild Wars: Factions.

    It was rather fun if you ignore the plot.
  • State_LemmingState_Lemming Member Posts: 375
    Guild Wars always had a pretty garbage "plot."
  • ArkynomiconArkynomicon Member Posts: 52
    So do most MMORPG's. I rather loved the skill system, the early max level cap and that you didn't have to grind to keep up with the ballance of the game.
  • State_LemmingState_Lemming Member Posts: 375
    Yeah I have fond memories of the game. For no subscription is was really solid.
  • SilySily Member Posts: 91
    edited October 2012

    Guild Wars always had a pretty garbage "plot."

    If I may, I would disagree! Very much so!
    I enjoyed the story of The Prophecies, and Eye of the North was just awesome too. However, I must agree that Factions sucked, big time. Nightfall was OK. This is all coming story-wise, that is.

    Factions also had the worst cutscenes and voice acting of them all. Ridiculous quality, and the worst setting in the game.

    To add one of the worst voice acting examples would be the drunk from The Temple of Elemental Evil. I mean, there's some great voice acting in that game, a lot of moderate ones and a few -horrible- ones.
  • j0lssonij0lssoni Member Posts: 53
    Silence said:

    In time gaming, I've come across more than a few voice acting fails. Here's my pick for no. 1, from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

    What's yours?

    This is not even the worst sample of voice acting I've heard. (Plumbers Don't Wear Ties etc...)

  • SilenceSilence Member Posts: 437
    edited October 2012
    Isn't that some ancient 3D0 game? I only knew about it because of the Angry Video Game Nerd. While we're at it, the opening to Blades of Steel is also weak.
  • ArkynomiconArkynomicon Member Posts: 52
    I rather liked the urban part of Factions a lot and thought it was one of the coolest places in the game. But I get the idea that I'm in a minority on that part.

    When I think bad voice-acting a lot of early PS2 games comes to mind.
    It's like listening to a cheesy porno dialouge.
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