Anyone getting a tablet specifically for this?

I'd like to preempt this message by saying I don't think this post belongs in the iPad forum. That one falls under 'Support', and besides, I include Android in this category.
I've always been a fan of tablets but outside of some interesting things such as mail and internet, I've never felt that I could justify the purchase, until I heard of BG & BGII coming to both the iPad and Android systems. For me, they instantly transform these devices into serious gaming platforms worth hours and hours of fun.
Ever since those things were popularized a few years ago I've dreamt of a tablet version of Baldur's Gate. The controls seems perfect for it (hold and drag to move the screen, pinch to select your players, tap to direct movements and actions). And so I'm finally considering buying one when BG is out. Anyone else out there who's doing the same?
I've always been a fan of tablets but outside of some interesting things such as mail and internet, I've never felt that I could justify the purchase, until I heard of BG & BGII coming to both the iPad and Android systems. For me, they instantly transform these devices into serious gaming platforms worth hours and hours of fun.
Ever since those things were popularized a few years ago I've dreamt of a tablet version of Baldur's Gate. The controls seems perfect for it (hold and drag to move the screen, pinch to select your players, tap to direct movements and actions). And so I'm finally considering buying one when BG is out. Anyone else out there who's doing the same?
When I heard about the iPad for the first time, my opinion of the thing is that it was just a bigger iPod. To me its just a device that's too big to fit in my pocket to use as an iPod, and too limited to replace my laptop.
In the last few years though, since Wizards of the Coast is starting to publish their novels in e-Book format only (something that I simply hate because I much prefer reading from an actual physical book instead of a screen), to keep reading my favorite books comfortably (I don't like reading on my PC or laptop) I'll be buying a tablet.
I'll probably buy the Kindle Fire HD since its cheaper than an iPad. If BGEE ends up working on it I might give it a try.
I honestly always felt that touch-screens in gaming felt gimmicky (as in the DS, 3DS, Vita and the upcoming WiiU).
Though BG on tablets can function very well (in several aspects its actually a much better control scheme than a mouse) but, for me personally, it'll have the same problem that I have playing other games with touch-screen functions on the DS or 3DS. I'm basically holding the device for extended periods of time with only one hand, and that eventually tires me and makes playing those games very uncomfortable. I don't have this problem playing regular games with a mouse/controller/normal controls on handhelds.
And if I'm buying a portable device for gaming, I prefer a handheld like the Vita or 3DS because these have actual buttons and analog sticks, than a tablet that will always be limited to using the touch-screen.
Only occasionally I have to us a hand to support it, and only slightly.
Even if you don't use a stand like mine, if you rest the iPad on your lap, you only have to support it, not carry it.
Here's a link to a stand similar to mine:
That sucks about the ebooks. I spend too much time looking at screens already, reading paperbacks gives me a (much needed) break from that.
So in short, if playing BG on a pc is like having a three-course dinner at a restaurant, a tablet would make me feel like I had that same extensive dinner while packed into the backseat of a small car. I'd still get the nourishment, but wouldn't be able to savour the experience nearly as much. I guess I'd do it if I were really, really hungry and had no way to get to the restaurant for a long time.
I did consider getting a regular Kindle precisely because of that, but the lack of colours on the screen for the book covers is what's making me consider the Kindle Fire instead (yes, I'm shallow).
A tablet with a Windows OS will let me play all my old games on the go! Plus, it will be compatible with all my work applications and emails.
I don't have a very desk oriented job, but I spend at least the last hour of my day on a PC, and the thought of booting one up for fun when I get home gives me the shivers. It just seems such a bizarre way of absorbing any kind of entertainment media to me now.
I much prefer to sit on the sofa with my feet up. I also find it feels much less isolating without the experience being any less immersive. If I'm on the sofa with the iPad, laptop* or 3DS, I can chat with my partner, keep an eye on the tv, generally feel more 'at home' and, crucially, not inflicting it on others, while still having the game right there in my hands. Even gaming on a TV console takes over the whole room.
*Whatever your reservations about touch-screen gaming, it's a million times better than using a laptop touchpad for a game like BG.