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Sorcerer Spell Selection BG1 to BG2

jfliederjflieder Member Posts: 115
I've read in various discussions that when you pick spells for a sorcerer, the spells are "permanent" for that character. I understand that when I pick a spell for a sorcerer, he/she has taken that spell. That spell can't be removed/replaced with another spell, and it is permanently one of the limited number of spells the sorcerer can use for that specific level.
My question is whether or not these spell selections, if they are made in a BG1 game, are remade upon importation to BG2. Weapon proficiencies are re-picked, and even an un-kitted character could select to be a kit retroactively upon importing to BG2. Are sorcerer spell selections in the same boat, or are sorcerer spells selections for BG1 kept without exception upon importing to BG2?


  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    Well, the original BG1 didn't have Sorcerers, so there was no problem to consider in the original BG2.

    I don't think that the developers have decided how to handle BG2EE yet.
  • jfliederjflieder Member Posts: 115
    Tanthalas said:

    Well, the original BG1 didn't have Sorcerers, so there was no problem to consider in the original BG2.

    I don't think that the developers have decided how to handle BG2EE yet.

    Thanks for the heads up. Is there precedent for sorcerers from BG TuTu/BGT, or am I misunderstanding the BG1-to-BG2 transition for BG TuTu and BGT characters? I'm a vanilla player and vanilla is all I'm familiar with.

  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    edited October 2012
    Sorcerers from BG1 TuTu would remain with the spells they've already had.

    Don't worry, you'll always use magic missiles, melf's arrow and fire arrow , leave Haste and Strength for your backup mages to cast ;D
  • jfliederjflieder Member Posts: 115
    @DJKajuru thanks for the heads up. I was looking into a sorcerer solo run down the road (what better way to get to know a class than solo it...right?...OK, maybe just me...) so I suppose I'll have to look ahead a bit with my spell picks.
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    I had a list once upon a time for spells I think are solid picks for spell levels 1-5. Beyond that, it's pretty hard to take something you won't be using with frequency or that doesn't scale toward all encounters from then on out. I'll probably compile a new one again once BG:EE comes out.

    In general, don't take spells that eventually lose their usefulness, like Sleep. As amazing as it is early, it's useless once you fight level 12 and above monsters. If there's an HD component to it, it's probably not a solid permanent spell choice.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    Sorcerers don't work well doing lots of pre buffs, usually they defend themselves with what they have best and attack with the most effective offensive magics. Good spells for sorcerers are ;

    1 - Magic Missile, chromatic orb and spook

    2- Melf's arrow, aganazzar , mirror image

    3- skull trap, remove magic and slow

    4- stoneskin , polyphorm self, greater malison

    5 - breach, lower resistance , animate dead

    6 - prot form magic weapons , true sight , chain lightning

    7 - finger of death , mordekainen's sword , project image

    8 - abi dhalzim, power word blind

    9 - time stop, improved alacrity

  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    For solo sorcerer, I add to the above list:

    1. Protection against evil, shield
    2. Web, Resist Fear
    3. Flame Arrow
    4. Spider Spawn (recommend this as your first summon, and spiders level up with the sorcerer)
    5. Sunfire, Spell Immunity
    6. Mislead (if you want cheesiness), Death Spell
    7. Kelbein's Warding Whip
    8. Incendiary Cloud (my favorite spell in lvl 8, does 1-4 damage per level of caster every round for 1 turn), Protection against energy
    9. Wish, Spellstrike
    10. Planetar, Dragon Breath (like sunfire, ignores magic resistance and it kills kangaxx)
  • jfliederjflieder Member Posts: 115
    All these tips are great! My sorcerer play through is a ways off but this will all help when it comes around
  • AmardarialAmardarial Member Posts: 270
    New Idea! All Sorcerer group, each one focusing on a School of Magic!

    Evoker (DPS/AOE)
    Necromancer (CC/Auto-Kill)
    Abjurer (Debuff/Dispel)
    Transmuter (Buffs)
    Conjurer (Summons/DPS)
    Enchanter (CC)

    Low levels would suck, but once you got lvl 3 spells all around, should be cake walk from there. Hmm, might try this sometime, damn shame they all have to be Human, good thing for Shadowkeeper, edit me up some Elven, Gnome, and Hafling Sorcerers ..... pitty no room for Illusionist maybe trade him in/out for the Enchanter or Transmuter....

    Also this group would probably take someone very strong willed to not take spells outside of their School, granted it would be for a RP/Challenge perspective to stay in school, but still. Seems like that would be the whole point/fun of it.
  • CandramelekhCandramelekh Member Posts: 109
    I just checked how many spells sorcerer will have at the highest level in BG1 (BG Trilogy mod, 135k xp - 9level). You can chose betwen 5 different 1st level spells, 4 - 2nd, 3 - 3rd and 2 - 4th
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838

    They only all have to be human if you're using actual specialist mages. And even then I believe Transmuter can be half elf, I know Enchanter is something that elves can pick. I think Abjurer might be a half-elf one too.

    I believe that in the IE engine for TOB, Elves, Half-Elves and Humans could all be Sorcs.
  • CandramelekhCandramelekh Member Posts: 109
    Don't forget, BG1 didn't have many low level spells from BG2. 1 - Find Familiar, Reflected Image, Spook; 2 - Deafness, Glitterdust, Powerword: Sleep, Ray of Enfeeblement, Resist Fear; 3 - Detect Illusion, Hold Undead, Invisibility 10' radius, Minor Spell Deflection, Melf's Minute Meteors, Protection from Fire/Cold, Remove Magic, Spell Thrust; 4 - Contagion, Enchanted Weapon, Farsight, Fire Shield Red/Blue, Ice Storm, Minor Sequencer, Polymorph Other, Secret Word, Spider Spawn, Stoneskin, Teleport Field, Wizard Eye. And 5 level have only Animate Dead, Chaos, Cloudkill, Domination, Feeblemind, Hold Monster, Monster Summoning III, Shadow Door.

    If enhanced edition allowed us to play bg1 on bg2 engine, developers cut most of them (i hope so, if they don't want to ruin spellbalance, because sorcerer chose betwen allowed spells not find them in the world)
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838

    I'm fairly certain it had resist fear in level 2. It might have Pro Fire/Cold as well but I don't remember as my mage ain't there yet. That said you did name a large portion that are missing and that are VERY useful in game.
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