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I need your personal help for a sports endeavor started by live-action-role-players

LuneverLunever Member Posts: 307
edited October 2012 in Off-Topic
I know, this doesn't have anything to do with Dungeons&Dragons (though the sport was initiated by live-action-role-players 1992), still - I hope that I have some friends here who are willing to support me and my team with little more than a mouse-click and any email-adress (can even be a one-shot-adress). My small sports team is low on cash, since we don't have any membersheip fees, and right now we can get up to 5000 Euro if we only manage to get some friends to support us. Please help!


As announced on the Saarlandian-Australian-Friendship-Tournament, starting today you can vote for Jugger to be the coolest, extraordinary Sports in our Region, at the Hochwald Crazy Sports Cup.

And doing so, you'll give us a chance to stand up to sports that are less cool but have a bigger audience. If we win, we can win up to 5000 Euro, and since the Juggerhood of Saar is a club without any membership fees, we could well use the cash for shirts, weapons, jugs ... and for a cool Tournament 2013 and 2014!

So if you don't outright hate us, please vote for us, and if you actually like us, please forward this! We need your continent/island, we need your country, we need YOU - and all the juggers in this world and the next one!

Like it, share it, and VOTE for it.

And don't forget to click the link in the confirmation Email, lest the vote won't count-


So, nun ist es soweit - Für den Hochwald Crazy Sports Cup 2012 kann gevotet werden, und ich und meine Jugger-Mitspieler würden uns wahnsinnig freuen, da zu gewinnen, und somit ein paar Kröten in unsere maue Vereinskasse zu bekommen.
Also bitte sei so lieb - wenn Du mich und meine Mitspieler nich abgrundtief haßt, vote bitte für uns, und wenn Du uns vielleicht sogar ein klein wenig magst, bitte verbreite das weiter.

Jugger ist definitiv der coolste, teilnehmende Sport, aber andere Sportarten haben eben größere Zuschauerzahlen, da wird es hart, in Konkurrenz zu treten. wenn aber viele Freunde mitziehen, dann ist es schaffbar :-)

Also, liken, teilen, und vor allem VOTEN!!!

Und die VOTE unbedingt durch den Link in der Bestätigungsmail bestätigen, sonst zählt sie nicht.


  • AnimewareAnimeware Member Posts: 73
    edited October 2012
    @ Lunever looks like spam!!!!
    Post edited by Animeware on
  • LuneverLunever Member Posts: 307
    @Animeware: This is the off-topic forum, so I don't see a problem here.
  • AnimewareAnimeware Member Posts: 73
    Lunever said:

    @Animeware: This is the off-topic forum, so I don't see a problem here.

    Yes, you got point
  • LuneverLunever Member Posts: 307
    edited October 2012
    I'm desperate! Today we dropped on Rank 2 on
    Please help a fellow DnD role-player with your vote for the Juggerhood of Saar!
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