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Ulb's Shaman Package: New Kits, New Items, and more (WIP) UPDATED 08.02.2017

UlbUlb Member Posts: 295
edited September 2017 in General Modding
UPDATE 09.03.2017:
Uploaded new version of the Storm Caller kit, old version was missing a file that was needed for vanilla BG:EE/SoD installations.

UPDATE 08.02.2017:

So I decided to start working on some more shaman kits.
The current plan is to “pre-release” the kits in this thread for feedback/testing and then release the whole kit pack once they are all ready.

The Far Realm Seer Kit which I teased/pre-released before is on the back burner for now since I accidentally deleted my latest version and right now I'm not really inspired to pick it up again anyway.

Instead I've completed another kit; The Storm Caller.
I consider the kit pretty much release ready barring any bugs/typos/balancing concerns.


STORM CALLER: Unlike other shamans the Storm Caller focuses his attention on harnessing and mastering the powers of the storm. With their ability to conjure up terrible storms and call down lightning on their opponents these shamans make powerful foes and allies even though they are less versed in the ways of the spirit world than others of their kind.


– May only wear leather, studded leather, and hide armor.
– May not equip shields larger than bucklers.
– May only use the following weapons: dagger, club, spear, axe, quarterstaff, dart, sling, and shortbow.
– May only become Proficient (one slot) in any weapon class.
– May only become Proficient (one slot) in any fighting style.
– May cast druidic spells.
– Does not automatically learn all spells of a given level as Druids do. Instead, Shamans select new spells to learn at each level, which they can cast daily without memorization.
– Does not gain immediate access to the following number of Shaman-specific spells: Spirit Ward, Spiritual Clarity, Spirit Fire, Recall Spirit, Spiritual Lock, and Ether Gate.
– Gains immediate access to the following Shaman-specific spell, which can be cast like any other: Writhing Fog.
– Gains use of the Detect Illusion skill with 20% points as a base and an 4 points per level, up to a maximum of 100% at level 20.
– A Storm Caller's 'Shamanic Dance' does not summon spirits but instead calls down lightning strikes from the elemental plane of air on his opponents.

SHAMANIC DANCE: Storm Callers can summon lightning storms from the elemental plane of air by performing a ritualistic dance. While dancing, the Shaman takes a -4 penalty to Armor Class and cannot move, attack, cast spells, use items and special abilities, or perform any other activity. Each round while the Storm Caller dances, opponents within a 30' radius have a 12% base chance plus 2% for each level of the Shaman to be struck by lightning, up to a maximum of 50% at level 20. The lightning strikes become more powerful as the Shaman gains additional levels:
Level 1: 2d6 electrical damage
Level 6: 4d6 electrical damage
Level 12: 6d6 electrical damage
Level 18: 8d6 electrical damage
Level 24: 10d6 electrical damage

– Gains 'Storm Aura' as a special ability at level 12.

STORM AURA: Once a Storm Caller has become powerful enough he can conjure up a small storm on the spirit plane which follows him around and occasionally strikes out against the Shaman's opponents on the material plane. While Storm Aura is active opponents within a 30' radius have a 5% chance each round to be struck by lightning and take 10d6 electrical damage.

– Can not be of lawful alignment.
– Does not gain bonus spells per day from high Wisdom.
– May not dual-class or multi-class.
– Ineligible for any stronghold. (This affects only the Shadows of Amn campaign in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition.)
– Hit Dice: d8

The kit comes with two unique HLAs (Lightning Master: +10% Elect. Resistance +5%Elect. Dmg, can be picked 5 times. Improved Storm Aura: Hit chance increased to 20%.) which replace Globe of Blades and Aura of Flaming Death. The other HLAs are the vanilla shaman ones.

Old post concerning FRS Kit:

Hey there, I'm planning on releasing a little shaman kit mod or rather a mod package containing a shaman kit, several shaman items (for BGEE & BG2EE) as well as a simple shaman script á la aTweaks' Simple Class scripts.

I originally made the kit for personal use only but since there is little shaman content out there yet I figured I could as well make it into a real mod.
I might or might not add more shaman kits in the future.

The kit is done but I still have to finish up the items and the script. For now I'm looking for some feedback on the kit before release. Writing isn't my strong suit and I'm not a native speaker so I would appreciate some proof reading as well.

The 'Far Realm Seer' kit is inspired by C'thulhu/Great Old Ones.

Full kit description:

Far Realm Seer: The Far Realm is a plane of madness situated very far from the planes of the standard cosmology. This maddening realm has many alien and twisted inhabitants, some even as powerful as deities.
Some shamans have a mythical connection that transcends the spirit world and allows them to extend their sight into the far corners of the cosmos. Of those that manage to retain their sanity a select few decide to embrace the maddening realm and harness its power for themselves.


May only wear leather, studded leather, and hide armor.
May not equip shields larger than bucklers.
May only use the following weapons: dagger, club, spear, axe, quarterstaff, dart, sling, and shortbow.
May only become Proficient (one slot) in any weapon class.
May only become Proficient (one slot) in any fighting style.
May cast druidic spells.
Does not automatically learn all spells of a given level as Druids do. Instead, Shamans select new spells to learn at each level, which they can cast daily without memorization.
Gains immediate access to a number of Shaman-specific spells, which can be cast like any other: Spirit Ward, Writhing Fog, Spiritual Clarity, Spirit Fire, Recall Spirit, Spiritual Lock, and Ether Gate.
Gains use of the Detect Illusion skill with 20% points as a base and an 4 points per level, up to a maximum of 100% at level 20.
Gains the 'Far Realm Exposure' trait.
May use 'Shamanic Dance' at will.

FAR REALM EXPOSURE: There is little that would instill more fear than the maddening terrors of the Far Realm. Constant exposure to those condition has left the Far Realm Seer immune to fear and moral failure. Yet, their sight of the Far Realm is still a constant strain on the mind, leaving them with a -2 penalty to saves vs. enchantment spells.

SHAMANIC DANCE: Far Realm Seers can pierce the veil between the Prime Material Plane and the Far Realm and thereby summon entities from the Far Realm to assist them in combat. While dancing, the Far Realm Seer takes a -4 penalty to Armor Class and cannot move, attack, cast spells, use items and special abilities, or perform any other activity. Each round while the Far Realm Seer dances, there is a 35% base chance plus 2% for each level of the Shaman that an entity will answer the call, up to a maximum of 75% at level 20. Any summoned beings will disappear if the Shaman moves, stops dancing, or if the beings leave visual range. The entities grow in power as the Far Realm Seer gains additional levels:
Level 1: Weak manifestations, up to 2 manifestations at the same time.
Level 6: Lesser manifestations, up to 3 manifestations at the same time.
Level 12: Average manifestations, up to 4 entities at the same time.
Level 18: Strong manifestations, up to 5 entities at the same time.
The type of manifestation is randomly determined from all the manifestations available at the Far Realm Seer's level.

Does not gain bonus spells per day from high Wisdom.
Can not be of good or lawful alignment.
May not dual-class or multi-class.
Ineligible for any stronghold. (This affects only the Shadows of Amn campaign in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition.)
Hit Dice: d8

Some notes: The "entities" summoned all use the awesome new Neothelid animation. The weaker ones are more transparent. The more the shaman can pierce the veil the stronger the entities get, becoming more "real".
Those summons are a bit stronger than the vanilla shaman ones, making the kit also somewhat stronger in the process. So far I've only played about half of BG1 with the kit and while it felt strong I don't think it is broken or anything.

Post edited by Ulb on


  • UlbUlb Member Posts: 295
    As for the items, here is a rough sketch of what I have planed so far.
    If anyone feels inclined to come up with a decent description/history for any of those, don't hesitate to share.

    Dagger for BG1:
    +1 enchantment, +1/2 attack per round, 10% chance to go berserk on hit, shaman summones are permanently hasted.

    Sounds maybe a bit broken but right now even with the weapon my summons are still quite a bit slower than Dorn when it comes to killing stuff. (And Dorn doesn't have to stand around idle for a minute before anything happens.)

    Cloak for BG2:
    Charged ability 1/day: Send friendly target on a spirit journey. Target sleeps for one round, 90% chance it was able to rest peacefully in the spirit world and awakes fully rested, 10% chance it was sent to a malevolent place in the spirit world and awakes fatigued and with moral break.

    SEKOLAH'S TOOTH (no new item obviously).
    I'm not sure but I think you can keep the tooth. This would be more for flavor than anything else, playing into that trope about shamans always carrying bones, talismans, totems and other small stuff with them. Would grant some bonus to summons while it is in the inventory. (Some crit chance sounds fitting).

    Weapon for late ToB:
    Not sure on that one yet. It is supposed to make summones somewhat viable in ToB's overpowered end-game. I'm thinking about giving them improved haste but that might be a bit too much. Also, it's very similar to the BG1 dagger.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Lovely :3

    You deserve a cookiethulhu for this!

  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • UlbUlb Member Posts: 295
    edited May 2016
    Thanks for the feedback guys!

    Oh, please please please no off-hand-able +APR weapons. These games need less Belm, not more. It's perfectly fine and interesting without the APR bonus.

    I don't really see the problem, at least when the weapon is shaman only.
    If someone feels inclined to go for a dual-wielding melee shaman that's still way worse than a fighter (or fighter-druid later in the game), why not?

    Having the apr feels kind of in line with the haste for summons ability but if you can explain to me why that apr is bad for the game balance, maybe it could be replaced with something like haste for the wielder 2x/day.

    Also, I think the 10% chance to go berserk is not to be underestimated, especially while dual wielding. That is a serious draw back.

    It would be amazing if, especially as you get to higher levels and the summonses get less transparent, there was a very small chance of it going wrong - a very powerful busting through the 'veil' and attacking the shaman and allies.

    That was actually my first idea for a draw back. The thing is at least right now in BG1 most fights are over before the first summon even shows up. It would be extremely frustrating to stand there for four rounds only to get an aggressive second tentacle and being forced to start over. With that said I think it could be a nice idea for the ToB weapon to give your summones a chance to go berserk to counter balance it.
  • UlbUlb Member Posts: 295
    I worked a little on the item concepts and their descriptions, let me know what you think.

    The dagger, would be placed somewhere on Werewolf Island and potentially somewhere in BG2 as well:
    Yahz'ka +1
    Dagger of the Blood Rites: Yahz'ka +1
    Even divination spells yield little more information about this weapon than its name.
    The general design and the runes covering its unusually long, blood encrusted blade suggest that the weapon originates from Anchorome and was most likely used in religious events and not as a fighting weapon.

    Holding the weapon causes an uneasy prickling on the wielder's skin and HISHER thoughts to occasionally drift towards violence.


    Combat abilities:
    – 1/2 extra attack per round
    – 10% chance per hit that the wielder goes berserk for the next 3 rounds

    Equipped abilities:
    – Summoned spirits are hasted

    THAC0: +1
    Damage: 1d4+1
    Damage Type: Piercing
    Speed Factor: 0
    Proficiency Type: Dagger
    Type: One-handed
    3 Strength

    Weight: 1

    Sekolah's Tooth:
    Sekolah's Tooth
    Only this gigantic shark tooth, said to have been left by the sahuagin god Sekolah, can open the way to the rebel prince's base.

    A closer inspection reveals that the tooth has some magical qualities. The power it holds is primal and chaotic in nature and would not be of use to most magic users but a shaman might be able to harness some of it.


    Special Abilities:
    - While in a shaman's inventory HISHER summoned spirits gain +1 to hit and damage rolls.

    Weight: 0

    The cloak; would be usable by shamans and druids and placed somewhere in the druid grove.
    I'm not sure yet how the implementation of the prolonged spirits would work. I mean implementing it is no problem but doing it in a way that ensures compatibility with future mods that add items that also buff spirits might prove to be difficult with my limited WeiDu knowledge.

    Dreamwalker's Garments

    This cloak is made from a rough blue fabric and is covered with a number of symbols ranging from moons and stars to more obscure pictograms. Wearing it bestows the owner with a deeper connection to the spirit realm.


    Equipped abilities:
    – Armor Class: +1
    – Summoned spirits remain for two additional rounds after the shaman stops dancing

    Charge abilities:
    – Send a friendly target on a Spirit Journey

    Spirit Journey:
    The target's mind enters the spirit realm while HISHER body falls asleep for one round. Depending on where HISHER journey led HIMHER the target will awake either as if HESHE had rested for a whole day (90% chance) or exhausted and struck with fear (10% chance)

    Weight: 3

    The ToB end game item. I changed my mind a bit and made it an off-hand held item for evil shamans only. (Might be a good idea to add a universally usable alternative for good/neutral shamans?)

    Plague Skull

    This vile looking humanoid skull emits an aura of pure evil and decay. While it is enchanted with powerful magic only a truly evil person would ever consider using it.


    Equipped abilities:
    – Immunity to disease

    Charge abilities:
    – Cast Dolorous Decay three times per day:
    Dolorous Decay is a rotting and withering of the body that spreads throughout the afflicted creature quickly. The disease will instantly cause a permanent -1 penalty to strength, dexterity, and constitution. If the target fails a saving throw vs. poison at -4, the decay will inflict 1 point of damage per second, until a total of 60 hit points of damage are inflicted, and another point of damage to each physical attribute every 5 rounds. The afflicted creature will also be slowed for the duration of the decay, and ability scores lost with this spell can only be restored with a Cure Disease, a Heal, or a Greater Restoration spell.

    Special Abilities:
    - Summoned spirits have a 10% chance on hit to afflict their target with Dolorous Decay.
  • rapsam2003rapsam2003 Member Posts: 1,636
    Ulb said:

    but doing it in a way that ensures compatibility with future mods that add items that also buff spirits might prove to be difficult with my limited WeiDu knowledge.

    So, why worry about it now? For now, you could easily just put something in your readme file to the effect of "May not be compatible with other mods that add items which buff spirits". When your WeiDU knowledge increases, you can tackle this task.

  • UlbUlb Member Posts: 295

    Ulb said:

    but doing it in a way that ensures compatibility with future mods that add items that also buff spirits might prove to be difficult with my limited WeiDu knowledge.

    So, why worry about it now? For now, you could easily just put something in your readme file to the effect of "May not be compatible with other mods that add items which buff spirits". When your WeiDU knowledge increases, you can tackle this task.

    Aye you are right.

    It is actually not even that big of a problem. The way it is implemented right now is still 100% compatible with any other mod, even those that add stuff to the spirit's script. The only "issue" is that it needs to be installed first, before any other such mods or it would overwrite them.

    But the only reason why I need to overwrite that script is to add a variable to its "self-destruct" block so I can prevent that when the cloak item is equipped. With that variable in place any other mod should be able to pretty much do anything to that script via "append" anyway.

    Considering all that I think its OK to implement it the way it is.

    Different topic: I've decided to not include that "simple class script" I announced in the opening post. After having played around with it for a while I've come to realize that there is a good reason Beamdog didn't include something like that. The shaman dance with its "ability lock out" is just to clunky to have it fully automated via script. Even if you just do it while in combat you're still required to micro-manage your character by having him walk around until you can select a spell and them have him cast a spell before the dance kicks back in. In short; the script wouldn’t make the player's life any easier.

    I have also made some changes to the Dreamwalker's Garments. I realized that the rest function would obviously also restore the Dreamwalker's Garments charges themselves, leaving the player potentially with infinite rests. Since that's obviously broken I have changed the item to have only 5 charges but in return the ability does affect the whole party and there is no more "nightmare" drawback.

    New item description:
    Dreamwalker's Garments

    This cloak is made from a rough blue fabric and is covered with a number of symbols ranging from moons and stars to more obscure pictograms. Wearing it bestows the owner with a deeper connection to the spirit realm.


    Equipped abilities:
    – Armor Class: +1
    – Summoned spirits remain for two additional rounds after the shaman stops dancing

    Charge abilities:
    – Spirit Rest:
    Range: 30 ft.
    Area of Effect: Party
    Duration: 1 round
    While their bodies fall asleep in the real world the minds of everyone affected enter the Spirit realm. After one round they will awake as if they had rested comfortably for a whole night.

    Weight: 3
  • UlbUlb Member Posts: 295
    edited May 2016
    Heya, so the mod is ready for an informal beta release and anyone willing to give it a try would be greatly appreciated.

    “Informal Beta release” means:

    I have done a quick test to see if stuff looks good in-game and I've gone over the files in NI to see if everything worked out. I obviously haven't had the time to really play-test this iteration yet.

    The mod isn't properly tra-fied yet and only available in English so far.

    Here is an updated list of the features included in this version:

    - Adds the “Far Realm Seer” as a new shaman kit to BG1EE/SoD and BG2EE.
    The main difference is that this kit summons "entities" from the Far Realm (Tentacle-Monsters) instead of normal spirits. The kit is intended to rely more on the shaman dance ability than the vanilla shaman does.
    Full kit description:
    Far Realm Seer: The Far Realm is a plane of madness situated very far from the planes of the standard cosmology. This maddening realm has many alien and twisted inhabitants, some even as powerful as deities.
    Some shamans have a mythical connection that transcends the spirit world and allows them to extend their sight into the far corners of the cosmos. Of those that manage to retain their sanity a select few decide to embrace the maddening realm and harness its power for themselves.


    May only wear leather, studded leather, and hide armor.
    May not equip shields larger than bucklers.
    May only use the following weapons: dagger, club, spear, axe, quarterstaff, dart, sling, and shortbow.
    May only become Proficient (one slot) in any weapon class.
    May only become Proficient (one slot) in any fighting style.
    May cast druidic spells.
    Does not automatically learn all spells of a given level as Druids do. Instead, Shamans select new spells to learn at each level, which they can cast daily without memorization.
    Gains immediate access to a number of Shaman-specific spells, which can be cast like any other: Spirit Ward, Writhing Fog, Spiritual Clarity, Spirit Fire, Recall Spirit, Spiritual Lock, and Ether Gate.
    Gains use of the Detect Illusion skill with 20% points as a base and an 4 points per level, up to a maximum of 100% at level 20.
    Gains the 'Far Realm Exposure' trait.
    May use 'Shamanic Dance' at will.

    FAR REALM EXPOSURE: There is little that would instill more fear than the maddening terrors of the Far Realm. Constant exposure to those condition has left the Far Realm Seer immune to fear and moral failure. Yet, their sight of the Far Realm is still a constant strain on the mind, leaving them with a -2 penalty to saves vs. enhchantment spells.

    SHAMANIC DANCE: Far Realm Seers can pierce the veil between the Prime Material Plane and the Far Realm and thereby summon entities from the Far Realm to assist them in combat. While dancing, the Far Realm Seer takes a -4 penalty to Armor Class and cannot move, attack, cast spells, use items and special abilities, or perform any other activity. Each round while the Far Realm Seer dances, there is a 35% base chance plus 2% for each level of the Shaman that an entity will answer the call, up to a maximum of 75% at level 20. Any summoned beings will disappear if the Shaman moves, stops dancing, or if the beings leave visual range. The entities grow in power as the Far Realm Seer gains additional levels:
    Level 1: Weak manifestations, up to 2 manifestations at the same time.
    Level 6: Lesser manifestations, up to 3 manifestations at the same time.
    Level 12: Average manifestations, up to 4 entities at the same time.
    Level 18: Strong manifestations, up to 5 entities at the same time.
    The type of manifestation is randomly determined from all the manifestations available at the Far Realm Seer's level.

    Does not gain bonus spells per day from high Wisdom.
    Can not be of good or lawful alignment.
    May not dual-class or multi-class.
    Ineligible for any stronghold. (This affects only the Shadows of Amn campaign in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition.)
    Hit Dice: d8

    - Adds three new shaman specific items spread across BG1 & BG2 and modifies an existing item to grant a shaman-only bonus.
    Item descriptions and their locations:

    -Yahz'ka +1
    (BG1: Found on Karoug on Werewolf Island / BG2: Found on Assassin in Chateau Irenicus level 2)

    Dagger of the Blood Rites: Yahz'ka +1
    Even divination spells yield little more information about this weapon than its name.
    The general design and the runes covering its unusually long, blood encrusted blade suggest that the weapon originates from Anchorome and was most likely used in religious events and not as a fighting weapon.

    Holding the weapon causes an uneasy prickling on the wielder's skin and thoughts to occasionally drift towards violence.


    Combat abilities:
    – 1/2 extra attack per round
    – 10% chance per hit that the wielder goes berserk for the next 3 rounds

    Equipped abilities:
    – Summoned spirits are hasted

    THAC0: +1
    Damage: 1d4+1
    Damage Type: Piercing
    Speed Factor: 0
    Proficiency Type: Dagger
    Type: One-handed
    3 Strength

    Weight: 1

    -Dreamwalker's Garments
    (Found on Dalok (druid in the Druid Grove area)

    This cloak is made from a rough blue fabric and is covered with a number of symbols ranging from moons and stars to more obscure pictograms. Wearing it bestows the owner with a deeper connection to the spirit realm.


    Equipped abilities:
    – Armor Class: +1
    – Summoned spirits remain for two additional rounds after the shaman stops dancing

    Charge abilities:
    – Spirit Rest:
    Range: 30 ft.
    Area of Effect: Party
    Duration: 1 round
    While their bodies fall asleep in the real world the minds of everyone affected enter the Spirit realm. After one round they will awake as if they had rested comfortably for a whole night.

    Weight: 3

    -Plague Skull
    (Found on Nyalee (Yaga-Shura's adoptive mother)

    This vile looking humanoid skull emits an aura of pure evil and decay. While it is enchanted with powerful magic only a truly evil person would ever consider using it.


    Equipped abilities:
    – Immunity to disease
    – Magic Resistance: +10%

    Charge abilities:
    – Cast Dolorous Decay three times per day:
    Dolorous Decay is a rotting and withering of the body that spreads throughout the afflicted creature quickly. The disease will instantly cause a permanent -1 penalty to strength, dexterity, and constitution. If the target fails a saving throw vs. poison at -4, the decay will inflict 1 point of damage per second, until a total of 60 hit points of damage are inflicted, and another point of damage to each physical attribute every 5 rounds. The afflicted creature will also be slowed for the duration of the decay, and ability scores lost with this spell can only be restored with a Cure Disease, a Heal, or a Greater Restoration spell.

    Special Abilities:
    - Summoned spirits have a 30% chance on hit to afflict their target with a disease similar to Dolorous Decay.

    Weight: 3

    -Sekolah's Tooth
    (Location: No change)
    Only this gigantic shark tooth, said to have been left by the sahuagin god Sekolah, can open the way to the rebel prince's base.

    A closer inspection reveals that the tooth has some magical qualities. The power it holds is primal and chaotic in nature and would not be of use to most magic users but a shaman might be able to harness some of it.


    Special Abilities:
    - While in a shaman's inventory summoned spirits gain +1 to hit and damage rolls.

    Weight: 0

    Download: Will be up soon
  • UlbUlb Member Posts: 295
    I have updated the link above to beta version 2.


    - Fixed some issues with the Neothelid animation in BG2EE.
    (The animation will now be in sync. with actual attacks, will only use the proper “jab” attack animation [also true for BG1/SoD] and will have proper attack sounds.)
    - The mod is now fully tra-fied. If anyone wants to translate it, go for it.
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    Great idea for a shaman kit, as Lovecraft is a favorite author of mine. I will gladly try this but the link above for google downloads v1.7 although it mentions v2.7 at the download site. I am not sure why.
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    @Ulb , Im glad your thinking of looking into the probs with the attack features and hope you can work it out. The shaman needs alot of love to in mods.
    We now have @LavaDelVortel with his awesome will of the wisp shaman enhancements. It would be great to add another.
  • UlbUlb Member Posts: 295
    Updated first post with a new shaman kit.
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    Bummer on the FRS loss :'( , but the new kit looks interesting.It's a different take on the regular summoning. :)
    Are their any plans for potential new items as in the last?
  • UlbUlb Member Posts: 295
    Aye, I still plan to add new shaman specific items.
    I also still think it is a cool idea to allow a few of the useless junk items you get in the game to give minor bonuses to shamans/their summons. Collecting and carrying around rune stones, various body parts and other stuff feels very "shamany" to me.

    I'll probably focus on a few kits first though and see about items later.
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    Yeah, new uses for old items is always a nice surprise.

    Ya know, that reminds me of the excavation site of Kozah, in BG1. Supposedly it's the shaman's abode for the tribe that basically worshiped a much earlier name of Talos, ol Mr. Lightnin himself. An interesting idol in there... B)
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    Great kits! May I ask right away about EET compatibility? And creating one Shaman-kits mod with all available kits would be a dream!
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Great job! I have plans of doing a Shaman kit myself but I'll wait until the class is available in IWDEE.

    Did you gave up on the FRS? I just loved the ideia! Maybe someone at the community have the files.

    The Storm Caller works indoors? If not, seems to me like it will get very weak during SoA.
  • UlbUlb Member Posts: 295
    Hey, thanks

    I didn't give up on the FRS and I still do have the files, only those are the same that are attached in this thread still, not the latest version I had on my drive..

    Storm Caller works indoors as well. I (kind of ) justify that in the class description which says he summons the storm/lightning from the elemental plane of air, so its not a “normal” storm.

    Yes, all EET compatible of course. (It is only kits so far so that's not really a great feat anyway.. :) )
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    edited August 2017
    I'm wanting to test the Storm Caller but I cannot get it to install in BG-SoD.

    EDIT: Read me file is empty on choosing to show during installation:

    EDIT 2: Installed fine in a clean unmodded copy of BG2, just to test.

    @Ulb EDIT3: Does not install on clean copy of BG-SoD from Beamdog Client (same issue).
    Any idea as to the:

    "ERROR: error loading [StormCaller/files/25STWEAP.2DA]
    Stopping installation because of error.
    Stopping installation because of error.

    ERROR Installing [Storm Caller Shaman Kit], rolling back to previous state
    Unable to Unlink [StormCaller/backup/0/OTHER.0]: Unix.Unix_error(1, "unlink", "StormCaller/backup/0/OTHER.0")
    [StormCaller/backup/0/UNSETSTR.0] SET_STRING uninstall info not found
    Will uninstall 3 files for [STORMCALLER/SETUP-STORMCALLER.TP2] component 0."
    Post edited by Zaghoul on
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    Fixed. Thanks B)
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    Is the SC supposed to have access to the other shaman specific spells on lvl ups or just the one time withering fog spell? I am not seeing the choice to choose the others when selecting new spells on lvl up.
    I just want to clarify as they are not given as options (reads like they would be options to pick from).
  • GnollGnoll Member Posts: 24
    Hi, I really like this mod and I have no idea if it's still updated or not, but I am having an issue. Instead of being a 30 foot radius, the stormcaller's lightning hits any enemy on the map. Any idea why this may be happening? Thank you!
  • Gel87Gel87 Member Posts: 280
    Cool, kits ;D
    I love shaman, it has turned into one of my favourite classes!

    I made a kit of my own, i wanted to multiclass a shaman, but for my skills that became impossible.
    I kinda wanted a Cleric/Ranger/Thief/Shaman class.
    It's made for myself, for solo on legacy of bhaal and is quite strong in many ways.

    So it looks like this:
    - Custom familiar, with cute portrait. It does give HP upon summon, and it does not remove cons by dying. But you can party it and use it for: Store stealing, pickpocket, learning scrolls(will not stay in his spellbook), use wands, open locks and disarm traps. It may backstab but has terrible 1d3 damage.
    - New level 6 spell: Tornado: Shaman sends a tornado at enemies which deals both electrical and crushing damage, and damage jumps to other targers(kinda like chainlightning).
    - 1 more cast each day all levels and 1 faster casting speed.
    - Starts with 1 profience to sling and dagger and may put ** axe spear staff and dual wep.
    - Has some custom HLA's suchs as 1 faster castsrate and +1 to lvl 1-7 casts per day.
    - HLA Deva
    - HLA wirlwind
    - HLA crit and stun attack
    - HLA innate sunray and innate implosion

    Wirthing fog has 1d3 damage increase every 2nd level.

    Gets some extra spells at each spell level:
    Level 1: Command, sanctuary
    Level 2: Hold person. call of heaven might
    Level 3: Animate dead, glypht sphere
    Level 4: Dont remember xD
    Level 5: Greater command, 1 other cleric spell, and custom insect plague with 2 x level progression(2 and 4 damage per tic, also saves a pick slot)
    Level 6: Flamestrike and some other cleric vs evil offensive spell.
    Level 7: Sunray, and custom creeping doom (2-4-8 damage per tic, and increased duration + pick save)

    invisibility, protection from acid.

    Negative effect:
    60% LESS experience gained (To adress the multiclass issue and op stuff xD, also keeps you from beeing max level mid BG2EE.

    But regular shamans is fun as well.
    Epic free and flexible spellcasting!
    Shamanic dance made me able to do demon maze none spell zones in legacy of bhaal.
    Epic HLA until you have to pick favoured by the spirits 13 times in a row.
    Can survive the 1,4k magic damage from slayer change, and combine slayershape with items, pots, scrolls and armor of faith/favoured by the spirits/spiritual immunities etc to be practicly immortal xD

    In my kit i have wondered about make the shaman diadem upgradeable into theese ads:
    - Spirits are hasted
    - +1 to all casting levels.
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