Come on! Give us something sparkle our interest
Member Posts: 38
This is taking too long! I know they want to make a perfect game but at the moment I'm starting to loose interest. Mind you, I'm a fan from the very beginning of bg. But delaying a game only 4 days before a scheduled release and let us wait 2 1/2 months is torture even Minsc couldn't endure.
Sparkle our interest and give us something neat besides screenshots. Please don't turn this into another disappointment.
Sparkle our interest and give us something neat besides screenshots. Please don't turn this into another disappointment.
On topic: @Johnnydgood: I understand your anxiousness to play, and also your Minsc-like (arguable retardation withheld, of course) demeanor, but remember that the game comes closer to us by the day, and you can always enjoy the original series (I am doing this) while you wait for the release of EE! Maybe start writing backstories and rolling up characters now?
Make a list of all the Tweets mr. Oster did ever since the announcement of BGEE. You'll eventually find something that you didn't know yet, I am sure.
If that's not enough to sparkle some interest, then I dunno,
- buy one of those Sony 4K TVs
- play BG1 on 640x480 stretched throughout the entire display
- Wish BGEE was already here
- Pray to the time gods for a space-time paradox which will teleport you to the 29th of November
- Enjoy
But I don't understand the hate of Twilight really. It's decent, not great, but decent! It's also true that most hater *never* seen it in the first place. And you know you should feel bad for hating something that you haven't given it any chance. You are BAD and you KNOW IT!
*clears throat* carry back on-topic please :P
I don't hate Twilight, I just have allergic reaction to it. I haven't seen it - I just tried to read it. Emphasis on 'tried' - I couldn't stomach going further than middle of forth or maybe fifth chapter. I had to switch to a summarized version on wikipedia, and even that gave me nauseas. The book could serve as a 'how not to do it' example for any young writer. It's something I'd expect to find in some dark corner of FanfictionNet, not on a bookshop shelf. And yet it's a bestseller. I guess a lot of hate comes from the fact that it's so successful despite being so bad, and even more hate comes from it taking a franchise beloved by many (vampires) and twisting it beyond recognition. (I sometimes wonder if it's not written as intentional badfic, and the fans just hadn't caught on it yet).
@johnnydgood I feel your pain, but hey, live goes on even without BG:EE. Find a way to entertain yourself until it comes. My way of coping with the 'loss' was to buy and play Gabriel Knigt, then read a book, then play with BG portraits (as in - repainting them, not inviting them to a tea party .
(Not that I'd scoff at some information of what's going on in Beamdog studio, mind you).
@johnnydgood: There are PLENTY of other things to do in the meantime. Education, other games coming out soon, going out with friends... If you're losing interest now already...Then I quesion your dedication to this project. Just be patient.
Never got the argument @Kitteh_On_A_Cloud, she is dating an undead being who believes he has no soul, what exactly would one expect from such a relationship? As for her being dumb, book clearly states that humans are drawn to vampires, and basically fall in love upon seeing them, so she really never stood a chance of choosing anything but him, regardless of anything else that happened. Also this isn't a new to Twilight concept, a great great many vampire novels before Twilight had the same concept.
As for the sparkle, that was simply an attempt to be different, and really doesn't have a major effect on them as Vampire (Which by the way, are on average more powerful than those found in just about any other medium, D&D included)
I sympathize with the OP. Would have loved more buzz prior to game release. While I love this game and support it strongly, I will be the first to admit they haven't marketed it strongly. But I understand why: limited funds, limited staff, limited time. This is not an original product but a polished re-release of an old one, so they need to keep costs low. Clearly they don't have a lot of PR either (hence the shipping delay fallout) and that may part of the reason?
In short, I'd love more marketing (even more screenshots), but I don't see it happening. If you're losing interest, I can recommend some great Torchlight 2!
I enjoy reading romance novels. This wasn't romantic in the slightest, and it is a piss-poor example for young women of what a relationship is supposed to be like.
That's why I don't like the Twilight series. Yeah, the writing itself is okay. It's competent writing. But the story? No.
I actually read all 4 *shudders* and just the sheer mixture of what you say, plus the addition of the fact that it basically revolves around the themes of necrophilia and, later, pedophilia (hello Jacob) in a game aimed at teens is just *shudders*.
And those are only some of the themes that baffle me, on top of the things you bring up. You're right we can never have those hours back. So I just try to "learn" all I can from those hours wasted.
Few points to hit on, Edward is literally a hunter, stalking a prey is very normal to him, and she was very much his prey. Bella being complete and utterly obsessed with Edward, a side effect of the fact he is a Vampire, that's how they draw you in. (Not that vampire have ever needed it due to speed/strength) If you truly read the first three books, you'd have seen as more and more time passed without Edward around, she began to normalize, wasn't till Alice showed up, she went right back into the deep end. As for Jacob, yea whole way they Imprint is a tad odd for us to relate to, it's a very alien idea to us, and I can very much understand thinking it "creepy" for that reason. As for the huge age differences, that's simply a given in Vampire novels, and some even the more popular ones carry with them MUCH larger age caps, instead of 50-100 years, try 500-1,000.
Last point Twilight is more a Sci-Fi/Fantasy Romance, isn't for everyone, not by a longshot simply due to what the story by default will entail.
Just can't wrap my head around the hate on it, cause it really isn't Twilight focused, but more genre focused using Twilight as the scapegoat.
At least with St. Germain and his lady-love Madelaine de Montalia, she knew what he was and accepted him for it. That's what provided the initial atttraction between them. Yes, she is also young in Hotel Transylvania, but it was her acceptance that made her different, and it wasn't until they spent time together that he also grew to love her for her inquisitive mind and who she was as a person. And he's had several loves over his lifetime, from the Roman Matron Atta Olivia Clemens, A Spanish woman named Cismenae, Gynethe Mehaut, Acana Tupac and Hero, among others. My favorite story of hers is "Spider Glass", and the ending is spectacular. I also read the Vampire Tapestry by Suzy McKee Charnas, and Weyland is inhuman and interesting, but I like St. Germain better.
Who is your favorite vampire?
I'm kind of boring, Anne Rice Vampire Chronicles are my favorite books vampire wise (Maybe overall in general, tho Emberverse is amazing to, though not Vampire in nature), my Favorite vampire book wise is from Twilight (I know) but was a small character in last Book, basic Civil War Soldier who came across a group of Vampires, realized they were not Human, and took them to be a challenge and attacked them, ended up getting turned, and lives a "Will try anything that looks like a challenge once" Just like his personality, wish he had more screen time though, most interesting character in all the books, next to Alice.
St. Germain is very much more humane than most of the humans he interacts with. He has a servant, a ghoul named Roger, who he rescued from a chariot crash in Imperial Rome and converted to save his life (asking Roger if this was okay with him beforehand). Roger lives on uncooked meat, as a ghoul.
You might also enjoy the Sonja Blue books by Nancy A. Collins. I've read some of her earlier vampire novels, but there was on that turned by stomach. I don't remember if she was the author, but a human woman got impregnated by a vampire and gave birth to a vampire child. The vampire who took her in was saddened that she died, but then decided, "Waste not, want not" and sucked up the pool of blood beneath her... that was... Poppy Z. Brite's novel "Lost Souls". And yeah, not one I liked, either. Too gross.,stripbooks,202
That's the Amazon page listing for Chelsea Quinn Yarbro's books. "Hotel Transylvania" was the first published, but not the first chronologically in the series. "Tempting Fate" takes place in the early 20th century where the Count has been living in Russia until the Revolution. On his way out of Russia, he finds a young noble girl, whose parents have been killed, and takes the baby with him, rescuing her. He raises her as a daughter, living in Germany, and the book continues into the early 1930s, when the Nazi party started to take over Germany. Amazing book, really sad ending.
Hmm will have to look those up, good vampire novels are hard to find....could do with one right now...
I heard there was some kind of demo at PAX, but outside of that nobody has actually seen a working copy. That's weird & troublesome in a title less than two months from release.