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[Request] Lategame Party Members & XP

WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
I simply propose that when you pick up new party members, specifically lategame characters, that their XP adjusts better to match where the rest of the party is at - or even make them slightly higher just as an incentive to use those hard to reach characters that never get to be in the party... yes I'm looking at you Alora, Tiax, Skie and Quayle!

This could be an alternative to simply making all characters available early, as suggested by @Kore


  • AndreaColomboAndreaColombo Member Posts: 5,533
    edited June 2012
    This was part of my "Something along Level 1 NPCs" request. Basically, they would be granted any amount of XP that is necessary for them to match the average party level upon joining you.
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