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which NPCs get lots of extra dialogue in SoD?

I'm setting up for my first SoD game. So far I've decided It's going to be a paladin CHARNAME and Viconia.

So who else is worth taking into SoD?


  • LoreLore Member Posts: 114
    i would take the new NPC corwin shes part of the flaming fist and have a lot of dialogue.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,500
    The NPC Glint is also available pretty early on and has a lot of dialogue. He's also one of the few thieves available in SoD and probably the best one alignment-wise for a paladin (unless you're preferring Safana instead).
  • LoveViconiaLoveViconia Member Posts: 196
    Take Corwin, she is good at fighting and has many dialogues, she also has a romance.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    All the SoD NPCs get a fair amount of dialogue. Some are better than others though, M'kliin is excellent, Voglhin not so good. The returning characters are pretty much as you would expect, so if you liked/disliked them before, your opinion won't change.
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