Neutral Evil; doing whatever I want.
Member Posts: 114
Decided to summon all the NPCs to watch me breeze through ToB without their help, afterall I am the son of a god and they are nothing to me.
A neutral evil character would likely view all the NPCs as "tools to accomplish the end goal". Anyone who stands in the way of that goal gets killed. Neutral Evil is all about "means to end, no matter who gets hurt". -- This t-shirt sums up neutral evil quite well.
Maybe the goal is to destroy everyone and everything.
Chaotic evil desires chaos, but they're not stupid enough to always fall back on it if it goes against their long-term goal of even bigger chaos and destruction.
Thus, we get tropes like "lawful stupid" and "stupid evil", and people playing those tropes tend to think they're playing their alignment, when they're really just playing a character with impaired mental abilities.
I used to think Sarevok was more lawful evil than chaotic evil because he was manipulating the government to achieve his ends. But then, someone explained to me that "lawful" in an alignment doesn't necessarily refer to government, but can mean the person has a personal code of ethics, or desires to force or impose their own kind of order on others, and that Sarevok doesn't care about any of that. He wants mayhem and destruction, i.e., chaos, any way he can get it, including using governments and manipulating political factions; he has the 18 intelligence to do so effectively.
I think many, many D&D players, maybe even half or more, play chaotic evil in their games, and try to justify it in their own minds as some other alignment that sounds less full out EEEE-VIIIL, if you know what I mean. "Chaotic neutral" and "neutral evil" are very common false stand-ins for chaotic evil, which I see over and over in people's chaotic evil game behavior.
To paraphrase Juliet, "A rotten egg by any other name stinks just as sourly."
Then there's guys like Sarevok who methodically cause chaos and destruction. He uses that to further his own goal of becoming the new lord of murder. His insanity (killing thousands to become a god is pretty insane) doesn't prevent him from being lucid and fulfilling his goals.
Sidenote: it's worth noting that mental stability has little to do with intelligence either. Xzar is quite brilliant. He's also such an egomaniac that he doesn't fully put his intelligence to use. That's his measure of insanity. Yeah, I've seen/heard several instances of this. There's a reason that a lot of DMs either ban chaotic alignments or ban neutral evil and chaotic evil. People just don't know how to play evil alignments. I tend to enjoy playing Lawful Evil characters, but I have a few simple rules:
- Don't screw over the party.
- Don't do senseless things (for example: killing innocents on the street).
- Do things with purpose.
What people don't really realize is that Lawful Evil is more likely to act in a manner that manipulates themselves into a position of forwarding their power. So, if the masses love you ("Popular" rep in BG series), great! That can be used to gain power. Lawful Evil tends to kill with purpose, if there's a reason for it.Neutral Evil is more like a mobster. It's not personal. It's "business". In other words, neutral evil will kill those who get in their way. They view those who oppose them as a roadblock.
Alignments like chaotic neutral don't aim to do evil things. They take the middle of the road more often than not, because...neutral. Neutral evil isn't chaotic, because...neutral. People seem to not always know how to play neutral.
A lot of people think Chaotic Evil and think first of characters like Xzar--babbling, bloodthirsty, chaos-seeking devils without much depth or range at all. I can't tell you how many times I've read "chaotic evil characters are boring" somewhere on these boards. But we forget about characters like Sarevok, who are cunning, manipulative, quiet, and just as if not more bloodthirsty, insane, and chaos-sewing as any other. Just because they're not always drinking the blood of their enemies or laughing maniacally in the shadows like some Saturday-morning-cartoon villain doesn't mean they're not Chaotic Evil.
I always had impression that he is truly mad, but his lunatic babbling is more of a cover; something to convince everybody around that he is no threat due to his "obvious" insanity.
But those are just my impressions.
But again. All interpretation.
He's really quite a good guy.