What effect does Charname's alignment have on the game?

I know you get different bhaalspawn abilities, but does the alignment of Charname have any other effect? Is it possible to run a good aligned party and play a high rep game with say, a cleric of talos?
I will try and do that for my BG:EE playthrough, though. Hopefully I'll get some lucky rolls on creation.
At 10, I think it should be random, but I am not overly convinced on that.
So yeah, Alignment is just there for roleplayers. If you're Powerplaying, usually having the highest Alignment possible is best (it depends on whether you want a different familiar, or want to acquire some items not available to good characters though)
It affects mages (familiars, potential robe of the archmagi), and anyone who wants to murder Drizzt to wield Twinkle.
Also, some kinds of items can only be used by characters of certain alignments. There are several good weapons and armor in BG2 that require the character wielding them to be either good or evil alignment. In BG1 I believe this is also true, but the only item I can remember in BG1 right now where this is the case is one of Drizzt's swords.