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Friendly game interface - revert to clean install

kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
edited May 2016 in Feature Requests
Something that is bothering me for a long time is the fact that everytime i wish to clean mods i have to reinstall by deleting the 766 beam and status files. Can't a revert to basic system be implemented? Or even a backup setup install that would make the game a bit bigger but would easly reversions?


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  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704

    This is actually included in the Beamdog launcher, and it is SUPER convenient. :) I love it.

    GOG on the other hand just gives me a "double-click to play" executable. I love GOG, but they really don't give you bells & whistles.

    My solution there is to retain the disk image of the game installer, and when I want a clean install I just trash the game folder and the whole app, and "reinstall" it, which takes a few seconds. (But admittedly this is on OS X, where that is extremely easy... doing that on Windows is probably more complicated.)
    I have beamdog launcher. How to do it in the launcher, then?
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