Talisman on pc

I just read on steam that they were thinking of releasing Talisman for the pc. I have the original boardgame at home and am so excited if this comes out on tablet or pc. Anyone else have fond memories of Talisman?
Post edited by Tanthalas on
I never played Talisman, but it sounds familiar. Time to google!
What I remember is: The Prophetess was game breaking character so whoever picked her, was called a douchebag and the rest tried to kill him. Same went for assassin, but once you got the sword that allows you to take the victims lifes, he was simply unstoppable
The only problem I had with it is the encounters dont scale up high enough. There is a long period where you are not quite good enough to go for the crown, but you can destroy every enemy it is possible to encounter,
Did anyone played Mage Knight?
I'm about to buy it, heard its really good.
Main problem is that, there is no possibility to implement in-game rules so you have to rely on trust to other players (or maybe I just don't know how to implement it).
This program/game is freeware and you can download it from here (there also a pretty long list of board games that are already available).
Sorry for language but I couldn't find English version, also there is I believe connected in one game two board games: the Polish Talisman edition and something like new edition or re-edition called "Magia i Miecz" (Magic and Sword).
Edit: minor mistakes