Minsc .. ok while he lasted ..

So I'm playing (yeah yeah wayy behind the times) BG for the first time .. gotten through the Nashkel mines and currently adventuring through the country side and managed to beat the Ogre Magi on the coast (sorry can't recall the name.. looked like a huge samurai to me ..) but not without Minsc taking critical hit and dead for good. Wanting as pure a first playthrough I rolled with it and managed to save everyone else (Imoen, Jahira, Dynaheir and Khalid) back in beregost. I realize it's way early in the game .. has onyone else experienced something similiar? and is Minsc even going to be missed? because honestly he died ALOT ...
Did you equip Minsc with a helmet? That might help.
Minsc shows up in BG2 as well, but his direct involvement with the story is not as deep as some of the other characters.
I never really felt like I needed him around; I just liked his personality too much to get rid of him.
Yeah, Minsc dies a lot if he doesn't have good equipment. While he has the bragging right of greatest strength in the game, his Dexterity is fairly bad and his Constitution is too. Not a bad character by any means but I, too, have a hard time keeping him alive at the start of the game.
Epic strength = awesome ability to do damage
Bad Dexterity = getting hit more
Bad Constitution = less ability to deal with taking hits
So, you combine all those and you basically have a guy who is fantastic at *dealing* damage, but pretty mediocre at defending from damage.
Is Minsc even going to be missed ... meh. Perhaps, but there are good replacements. I would try Kivan on for size if I were you, as Khalid is a good front-line fighter, and Jaheira is good at that too if you give her Gauntlets of Dexterity. I assume you have those, as you have clearly been to the Gnoll Stronghold. Kivan is fantastic with a bow and can hold his own in melee combat. He can be found in High Hedge, just to the north of the building.
Anyway, sounds like you are having a good time. First time playing and you are playing it pretty legit! Props for that. Enjoy yourself.
But, yeah, Minsc should never die to a critical hit. Rangers can use helmets which means that a nat 20 against them just means it hits, not that it does crits. His AC is kind of bad, but after the Gnoll stronghold you get have the gauntlets of Dexterity and he should be utilizing those.
You still have Khalid to tank for you, thankfully. I recommend picking up Ajantis now to replace Minsc as they fill a similar role in battle.
BG1 has the issue of low level characters meaning low hit points. Damage starts off pretty strong in BG1 so you are likely going to either lose characters or need to reload throughout BG1 (mostly in the beginning). My brother outright refuses to play this game because he hates taking so long to level (which translates out to 'I'm sick of stiff winds knocking my mages over').
From a combat perspective, he is top-notch, too. I find he is always one of my best front-liners. Kagain is perhaps a bit better (he has the super-human constitution) but he doesn't hit as hard as Minsc and Boo.
But yeah, I would definitely suggest to have at least one play through with him just for the character interactions. He might not be the best when it comes to stats and fighting, but he can be very interesting to play with.
It also sounds like you didn't level Minsc up much, and didn't have him equipped with a helmet, or decent armor for that matter. With his massive strength, he can wear full plate armor with ease, which more than makes up for his low dexterity.
In addition to having epic strength, he also decimates gnolls with +4 to hit and damage against them.
I think he's a great character, but hey, there's always next time. This game has replayability.
And no, I'm not going to count the hidden Ankheg Armor. Justify it all you want but it's cheap.
Don't get me wrong I agree Minsc is great but he takes hits pretty frequently. You have to babysit him for a while until he gets some levels and HP under his belt.
To me, it's the equivalent to getting the Helm of Vhailor or the Robe of Vecna in SoA. They're all cheap.
But as for what you're saying, if Minsc got chunked on a critical hit, never mind the full plate mail, a helmet could have been picked up for him for 1 gold piece! LOL
I also tend to run front liners with the best shields I can get for the added AC, plus Rings of Protection etc.
15 Dexterity bothers me. I never want to put those Gauntlets on them, because I would rather put them on someone with a 14 or lower, you know. I'm OCD like that. But yes, I have put them on Minsc and indeed that's what you gotta do.
Still ... while you're on that topic ... Kagain is better ;D Of course, from my experiences I would argue Kagain is *the best.* You can't beat 20 Constitution. You just can't.
And on a serious note, YES. +6 HP/level at that point, and he regenerates faster? I've done it, it's amazing!
I tend to run with only a single melee character, and if that character is Minsc then I figure the Gauntlets will do him more good than anyone else.
Edit: CON, not DEX! Sheesh!
There is no Minsc, there is only Boo.
And yes, the whole thing about not having to heal Kagain ... amazingly helpful indeed I find myself having to rest due to health loss + lack of healing spells barely ever. I usually rest due to running out of Arcane spells or hitting Fatigue instead.
And yeah you're right, that was how I managed to justify putting gauntlets on Minsc, too. It really was a test of will for me ... haha I'm such a dork.
When BG:EE comes out I plan to play through with NPC's as the past few playthrough's I've made my own party in multiplayer.
I plan on using
CHARNAME - Fighter/Mage
2. How often do I see you "ignore" something you don't like? On this forum I often see you take a basically harmless post, get offended, and spark controversy.
I know that's awfully up-front and blunt, and I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude, although I'm sure you're gonna be mad at me after that, and I don't blame you, I would be too. But before removing the speck of sawdust from the eye of another, first remove the plank in your own.
@bigdogchris That sounds like a pretty devastating party! Well, except Dynaheir, she sucks to put it lightly. Coran and Minsc will go together like milk and cookies; one ranged fighter and one melee fighter. I'm sure your Fighter/Mage will fill in any other gap left ... nice.
And actually, the stats argument is not what I'm referring to. Dynaheir has pretty good stats but Invoker is just bad 'cuz they have two opposition schools.
But, I don't mean to sound imposing. Go ahead and take Dynaheir if ya wish.