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Durlags Tower Dummies

Anyone help because I'm about to give up !

I'm playing on iPad but no matter what I do I cant attack any of the dummies. Tried mele, ranged even a fireball. Nothing happens. The dummies have no circle denoting their state either blue or red.

Thanks !


  • dunbardunbar Member Posts: 1,603
    I remember having this problem as well! Firstly, the circles only appear if you hover the cursor over where their feet would be, not the dummies themselves. Secondly, it has to be a melee attack (I think even just fists will work), not missile or AoE.
  • Nick_hNick_h Member Posts: 4
    Thanks for the reply Dunbar. Trouble is on the iPad their is no cursor lol !
  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    Just tap on your weapon slot and then the feet of the dummies. Worked for me
  • Nick_hNick_h Member Posts: 4
    Thanks MacHurto... Tried it for nearly an hour. All I get is they don't have anything to say. Can you remember seeing circles around them z.
  • dunbardunbar Member Posts: 1,603
    The dummies don't say anything, but each time you hit one of them something happens (like a door opening somewhere) and it's different for each dummy (read the dialogue box).
  • FinnTheHumanFinnTheHuman Member Posts: 404
    edited May 2016
    MacHurto said:

    Just tap on your weapon slot and then the feet of the dummies. Worked for me

    I think he means to click your weapon button so that there is a red outline surrounding it. Then click the dummy. The dummies are neutral so when you click on them the action is to try to initiate dialogue, to overcome this you must tell the game to force an attack.

    To attack a neutral character (or dummy) you must first click the weapon and then click the dummy. Note, click the already selected weapon in order to do this "force attack". If you select a new weapon you must then click it again to get that force attack thing going.

    I play on an ipad and it shouldn't be a problem. Its not a bug. Not that its easy or obvious, but if you know what to do it's not a problem. I had trouble too.
  • Nick_hNick_h Member Posts: 4
    Guys this is the problem ! I've been been selecting my weapons. I can't attack them lol ! I'm a seasoned player having completed Bg1, 2, Icewindale when the were first released on the PC. Is it possible to post a picture on these forums so I can show the prob ?
  • FinnTheHumanFinnTheHuman Member Posts: 404
    Ok, lol, sorry. Misunderstood where you were coming from. It is possible to show pictures. On the "leave a comment" form use the icon which looks like a piece of paper with a folded corner.

    Sorry to beat a dead horse, but you said above that the dummies have nothing to say to you. This indicates that you were successfully able to click on their circles which initiated dialogue and gave you a message about how they have nothing to say. So, you should be able to force attack. Perhaps you had force attacke ready but when you clicked on the dummy you accidentally selected the container part of the dummies? Then when you clicked again your force attack mode was disengaged and so you went back to a normal talk mode when you successfully clicked the circle.

    If not, if you were ready to force attack and your character tried to initate dialogue, then that does sound like a bug. Its too bad you're on an ipad or else you could just cheat your way around this problem.

    Also, I cant recall clearly weather or not i could see circles. I know i sometimes did but don't know the exact conditions. Maybe when I was already talking, maybe when i had the icon selected which highlights all containers in the area.

    So that's about the end of my usefulness, if any. Good luck.
  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    I dont remember having an issue or not seeing the circles. Just forced the attack as @FinnTheHuman has said. Sorry :-(
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