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BG + TotSC Game Issues

ThorThor Member Posts: 10
Recently returned to the world of Baldur's Gate and thought I'd give it another run through. Ages ago I bought the Forgotten Realms Boxset which includes the 4 in 1 BG Series. I've been playing Vanilla BG + TotSC with the patch on a Full Custom Install.

I played through to the Naskel Mines + the Gnoll Stronghold and had stored a few items in a chest for safe keeping and planned to return for them later on. The trouble is when I remove them the items reappear after leaving and returning to that map.

Upon my return to Faerun I wanted to play through without mods or cheats of any kind, so I reinstalled again exactly as before but this time included the Baldurdash Fixpack and the 3 Dudleyville Fixpacks.

2nd time playing I got to the Friendly Amn Inn, but before going inside the walls of the inn I traveled around the outside of the map for Joia's Ring. I then explored the grounds inside the Inn walls and went inside the Inn itself to sell some items. When I came out the map outside was black as if unexplored and after investigating the quest for Joia had returned.

There is little point in continuing if I have to redo quests and explore areas multiple times. Can anyone tell me if this is a known problem or bug??

Have also pre-ordered BG:EE and can't wait!


  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    It happened to me recently, and I have the proof actually, as I was "Let's Playing" the game when it happened. I was pretty much like "Wait a minute, I DID THAT QUEST ALREADY D: "
    Friendly Arm Inn's map reset for me, but not totally, in fact, just the exterior of the keep did if I recall correctly, respawning all five hobgoblins and the Joia flamedance ring (Joia herself was missing from her home though)

    At first I thought it was a bug related to an unpatched version - problem is, I had the latest patch installed (knowing that an unpatched BG has the most dreaded "Global Variable Bug" which just screws the entire game up to say the least). That was not the case though, so I have no idea what happened. I researched the subject but found out nothing at all.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    This is new to me.
  • ThorThor Member Posts: 10
    I continued on playing and after redoing the Friendly Amn Inn map again, it was fine. Quite strange that it fixed Itself. Anyway, I'll have to see if the reappearing item problem comes back later in the game.
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