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Dark Moon PC and Rasaad's Quest

JiveOneJiveOne Member Posts: 43
I'm interested in trying out a dark moon monk as a main character and will run with an all evil party except Imoen in BG1. Before I started I was wondering if there are opportunities to have Rasaad as a companion but still conform to the lawful evil alignment and dark moon beliefs. I've only ran through his quest once in BGEE and it was awhile ago so my memory is fuzzy. Are there chances to betray him in his questline or otherwise behave in a sincerely evil manner?

I'm hesitant to try this because I would be fighting other dark moon monks but if those who've played the questline all the way into ToB can say it would make sense then I'll try it.


  • GreenWarlockGreenWarlock Member Posts: 1,354
    I've not played the ToB part yet, but think that the SoA element would play well for a Dark Moon Monk - once you got over the idea of having Rasaad in the party at all.

    I'm less sure of the original BGEE quest line actually, although suspect you can easily enough role-play the survival-of-the-fittest nature of the DMM that if this local chapter is not strong enough to survive your party, better that they are eliminated so not to further tarnish the name...
  • FinnTheHumanFinnTheHuman Member Posts: 404
    I've played BG and TOB Rasaad quest and I don't see them as fitting with your character. Don't Dark moon monks worship Shaar? The quest is totally about taking down sharrans. Perhaps you can say that these are not true shaar worshippers--a breakaway sect--and you team up with Rasaad because of temporarily aligned interests.

    My general suggestion is to do two runs, each with half the side-quests, rather than try to do too many quests on a single run.
  • JiveOneJiveOne Member Posts: 43
    Thanks for the input. I'll probably pass on taking Rasaad and stick with evil npcs only. Just wouldn't feel right fighting other members of the same sect.
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