iOS Spell Targeting

Newby here. Playing iPad. Having trouble targeting spells. I will select a spell for my NPC druid and place the spell glyph on the character card on the right side of the screen then target an enemy by touching their red circle take the game off pause and she proceeds to run up the enemy and melee attack. Any iOS iPad tips for better targeting with NPC's in battle mode?
For instance a druid might cast the Entangle spell about 30 feet ahead of the group in the middle of the enemies to hold them all with a radius. Or a druid might cast the Summon Insect spell and direct click on an enemy mage or cleric to target them to try to prevent them from casting spells.
BG has a wide and varied magic system. It can really help you by using magic well to damage or cripple big groups of enemies like the mage Slow spell or Confusion for instance, and also by buffing up your group to deal out more damage faster by using the cleric/druid spell Strength of One for the whole group for a big battle, or the mage spell Strength for all day effects but only on one character.