Special powers buff?

Hello there, I was pondering about Charname so called ''special powers'' , as in my opinion they don't feel sp special after all, especially if you play as evil character. I mean what is so special about being able to cast Larloch's minor drain twice a day? Good char skills are better, but still, Cure light wounds loses it's value fast. Surely as a child of a god we deserve something a bit more spectacular? Also, why are they based upon reputation rather than character ? My idea would be skill that become stronger as we level up, for example Cure light wounds would evolve into Cure Medium wounds and so on till we get Heal spell, same with Larloch's drain would drain more hp of enemies.
Of course, the result is that those powers can feel a little underwhelming (like when you're playing a good priest, thank god for redundancy I guess)
As for the powers being determined by your reputation, it probably comes from the fact that when all is said and done, all you got from your father was power. It might be tainted by the essence of the evil god but now it's yours, and if you were to decide to use it for good, you would influence it too, remaking it as a force of good. And seeing as rep is supposed to determine how good you are (sort of) that is the metric they used to determine how you influence your heritage.