Patch for Goodberry!
Member Posts: 209
I just had this fantastic idea to make eating a Goodberry give regeneration for 1 turn. This would symbolize the nutritious and refreshing effect of eating sweet berries ^^ It would also be cool that the regeneration effect wouldn´t stack, so it would be quite balanced, healing 1 hit point a round, 6 in a whole turn. It might also be flavorful to make it have a slight malus for fighting and defensive skills, like -1 thaco and -1 armor class, given that the character is kind of occupied plucking the berries from a bush. Perhaps a little spell failure too, or even silence, as the character´s hand would be practically in use, as would be his/her mouth. As it is now it´s rather meh, given that cure light wounds is 1 lever lower and heals 8 hit points right from the start.
I just had this fantastic idea to make eating a Goodberry give regeneration for 1 turn. This would symbolize the nutritious and refreshing effect of eating sweet berries ^^ It would also be cool that the regeneration effect wouldn´t stack, so it would be quite balanced, healing 1 hit point a round, 6 in a whole turn. It might also be flavorful to make it have a slight malus for fighting and defensive skills, like -1 thaco and -1 armor class, given that the character is kind of occupied plucking the berries from a bush. Perhaps a little spell failure too, or even silence, as the character´s hand would be practically in use, as would be his/her mouth. As it is now it´s rather meh, given that cure light wounds is 1 lever lower and heals 8 hit points right from the start.