SCS + Legacy of Bhaal (fighting an entire bandit camp in one confined space) Is it possible?

The bandit camp fight with SCS + Legacy of Bhaal mode having to kill the entire bandit camp due to SCS 'call for help' or 'sound the alarm' making them not being able to picked off individually under any circumstance.
After almost 2 hours of attempts and losing my soul from this fight nearly killing me IRL.
I can say that it is.
Skip to 1:19:00 for final completed attempt, if you wish.

After almost 2 hours of attempts and losing my soul from this fight nearly killing me IRL.
I can say that it is.
Skip to 1:19:00 for final completed attempt, if you wish.
Post edited by comebackhome on
At this point I spam Grease, Web, and Fireballs spells. LoB shouldn't make any difference but it should force you to use much more resources.
I advise you to get two Wands of Fire, one from the Ankheg nest and the other from the merchant in the Durlag area.
For this to work I always have at least two arcane caster in my party, level 5+, able to cast Web multiple times (usually Edwin+Baeloth), I also use a tank character which drinks two Potions of Fire resistance, one Potion of Freedom and others potions as needed, to allow him to get into the Web spells and to kill enemies unharmed from the fireballs while giving the party vision and drawing agro.
Good luck!
Glad you managed to do it