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Myth & Magic

darklander0darklander0 Member Posts: 0
Short story:
It is Pathfinder for 2nd edition AD&D.
I find It a quite refreshing version of the original that cleans up a lot of stuff and adds a few twists.

Long story:
I stumbled upon it while trying to find a reasonably priced player guide for the original.
Btw I got it here for 10$(sale, still on)'s-Guide?filters=0_0_1320_0_0

Wishful thinking:
It would be nice if Bg2/3 implemented some of M&M features.
Like getting rid of descending ac, saves, thac0 conundrum.


  • LordsDarkKnight185LordsDarkKnight185 Member Posts: 615
    Short Story: NO

    Long Story: They cannot make that many drastic changes to the game, for a) contractual effects b) I would bitch...for months. The game is AD&D 2e, and counting down instead of up is not THAT much harder.

    Reality: You mentioned bg3, which will not use AD&D 2e at all, it will most likely use D&D Next (5e) sorry to bust another bubble like that.
  • KaxonKaxon Member Posts: 156
    I don't know why counting down or up would be an issue at all in BG. In P&P maybe it's confusing, but computer games do all the math for you.
  • fighter_mage_thieffighter_mage_thief Member Posts: 262
    Kaxon said:

    computer games do all the math for you.

    As an atheist, I'd just like to say, God bless computer games for this!
    Alright, I'm an agnostic, but I thought that was funny.
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    Can't see it as a problem either. Do some playing and the thac0/AC system will be second nature before soon. It's not brain surgery or the theory of relativity.
  • cyberhawkcyberhawk Member Posts: 350
    I can see how someone would like to get rid of descending AC, but what's wrong with saves? If a mindcontrolling spell would just have an x% chance of success it would mean people who are very wise and high level are as likely to fall for it as dumb low level orcs. This is stupid.

    Saves do a great job of simulating a struggle between the ability user and the target, which also leaves some room for roleplay and gives another stat for the characters to improve. That in turn allows for more unpredictable fights (some enemies might look dangerous but have very bad saves, or the other way around). Also allows for new spells that affect saving throws and more complexity in the magic system is always interesting.
  • JigawattsJigawatts Member Posts: 11
    edited October 2012
    I would say the comparison to Pathfinder is pretty accurate. Myth & Magic is to 2E what Castles & Crusades is to 1E and Pathfinder is to 3.5.

    There is a Kickstarter going on for the Game Masters Guide right now where you can pick up both the Players Guide and the Game Masters Guide, or a special collectors edition combination of the two.
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