Celestial Fury combined with Greater Malison + Cowled Wizard AI

1. If I cast Greater Malison on my enemies, and then hit them with the celestial fury, is there a bigger chance of them getting stunned?
2. Is the Cowled Wizards AI broken? Mostly when I turn invisible they start casting offensive spells at each other. One of them even cast Maze on of their summons. Are they broken? I remember this behavior even before the EE's. No mods installed.
2. Is the Cowled Wizards AI broken? Mostly when I turn invisible they start casting offensive spells at each other. One of them even cast Maze on of their summons. Are they broken? I remember this behavior even before the EE's. No mods installed.
2. I've never seen that, so I can't really comment.
2: I have seen that as well. In my case they would not throw damage spells or that kind of thing, but they did use quite a few Pierce magic.
You must understand them, you don't put up much of a fight, they gotta start with a disadvantage of some sort.
Yea well in the combat log they literally targeted Chaos on each other, and Maze on their summons. Remember they sometimes killed each other, haha. What do you mean? I've never seen this behavior on any other occasions than with the cowled ones.
In scs, enemy mages cast chaos/emotion spells on themselves if they can not see your party, hoping to catch you in the area of effect.