Mutli-player - will this be a new format or same format but multiple platforms?

Saw someone recently talking about MP play lamenting the possibilty of OP players with 25 in all stats etc as if the MP play was going to be MMO style - is the format for MP changing from the limited (6 people max) co-op format from the original games?
Or is it the same format that has been "fixed" to work better and accept multiple platforms?
(Old format - basicly you could add other players to as many of your 6 team slots as you have room for and fill any empty slots with NPCs if you chose - then play the game together in co-op style.)
Or is it the same format that has been "fixed" to work better and accept multiple platforms?
(Old format - basicly you could add other players to as many of your 6 team slots as you have room for and fill any empty slots with NPCs if you chose - then play the game together in co-op style.)
As in a 6 player limit with players making their own characters or take control of existing NPC's.
As for OP players with 25 in all stats.
Yes, some players will be more powerful then others if they choose to Min-Max and the other players do not. The solution would be to play with friends or make all the players use a point buy system.
Pointless Side Note: The original's Multi-Player still works just fine using "Game Ranger".
The biggest issue I had was we didn't use roger-wilco (becuase we heard it sucked) so anything you needed to say to each other had to be typed which made the game painfully slow - in six months of playing IWD1 for several hours every sunday our group barely made it out of chapter 1 as I recall - altho we did set the official sunday game aside and play an alternate when anyone was missing from the group.
I really have just about zero interest in MP anyway - I was just curious about how it might work.