Test Spat me out Lawful Neutral , just one point away from Lawful Evil which is my to go Alignment for a D&D like world.
reason being that Law and Order is good, and can be bend to your Benefit, but i don't just want to idle on the spot , or ruin myself to help others, i want to advance myself , if i have to climb over others i will do that, even if its seen immoral by some and since that is a very flexible term, even more so in a world with a multitude of Races and ideologies ....as long its within the local Law I'm fine.
reason being that Law and Order is good, and can be bend to your Benefit, but i don't just want to idle on the spot , or ruin myself to help others, i want to advance myself , if i have to climb over others i will do that, even if its seen immoral by some and since that is a very flexible term, even more so in a world with a multitude of Races and ideologies ....as long its within the local Law I'm fine.