Arkham Horror

So ... I know Talisman may be a more appropriate board game to talk about on these forums, but Arkham Horror is just too god damn awesome to not mention. So, anyone played it?!
If you're unaware of what exactly Arkham Horror is, it's a co-operative (my favourite word) complex (and I mean complex!) board game set within Lovecraft's spin chilling mythos. It's TOUGH and will result in absolute FAILURE the majority of the time. How can you lose against the board you say? Well you work alongside your friends (or alone) with multiple investigators of whom you command, they are all very Lovecraftian in their personalities and professions (Psychologist, Actress, Reporter, Writer, Doctor, NUN etc). These investigators are working together to keep Arkham (the city in which the game is set) safe from a dormant yet ever present ancient evil that will eventually awaken and wreak havoc upon the world UNLESS the investigators act quick enough! A big part of the game is exploring Arkham and its famous locations (cited all throughout Lovecraft's works), adventuring through mystical portals into alien lands, battling monstrosities, keeping an eye on your investigator's sanity (yes they can go insane!) and trying your best to stay alive. It's crazy awesome and I love the 1920's theme, riding around on a motorcycle as the investigator Sister Mary, blasting Elder Things, Cultists and Nightgaunts left right and centre with a shotgun and sanity draining spells is too much god damn fun!
If you're unaware of what exactly Arkham Horror is, it's a co-operative (my favourite word) complex (and I mean complex!) board game set within Lovecraft's spin chilling mythos. It's TOUGH and will result in absolute FAILURE the majority of the time. How can you lose against the board you say? Well you work alongside your friends (or alone) with multiple investigators of whom you command, they are all very Lovecraftian in their personalities and professions (Psychologist, Actress, Reporter, Writer, Doctor, NUN etc). These investigators are working together to keep Arkham (the city in which the game is set) safe from a dormant yet ever present ancient evil that will eventually awaken and wreak havoc upon the world UNLESS the investigators act quick enough! A big part of the game is exploring Arkham and its famous locations (cited all throughout Lovecraft's works), adventuring through mystical portals into alien lands, battling monstrosities, keeping an eye on your investigator's sanity (yes they can go insane!) and trying your best to stay alive. It's crazy awesome and I love the 1920's theme, riding around on a motorcycle as the investigator Sister Mary, blasting Elder Things, Cultists and Nightgaunts left right and centre with a shotgun and sanity draining spells is too much god damn fun!
I don't know how many times we'd spend over at our friends house, or our friends would spend at ours, playing this game all night long till 2-3am having a blast.
It's probably our favourite game when we're 4-6 players and looking for a real challenge. It's one of the few games where even losing is still fun.
By the way, a german lass made a PC version of this, she got the permission and all first - and she made a wonderful PC adaptation of the boardgame, BUT! Then the rights were taken from her. Without reason.
Now, I will stand against this. So! Send me a PM, and I'll hook you up. Since the rights were only removed from her, not us, the testers. She said that we are free to share this with friends, family, colleagues, anyone.
Sure, the unfinished version is a bit buggy, but it can still be great fun on PC, preferably with friends over Hamachi or such.
I think anyone who enjoys the DnD ruleset will enjoy Arkham's ruleset, both are complex but way rewarding when it all finally clicks!
She started the project as a student, and got full permission to work on an digital adaptation of the boardgame (meaning, you play the boardgame in an virtual space, not like a PC adaptation or anything, not an RPG just using the rules.)
She was allowed to spread this work for free to any who asked, because it was being worked on and shared for "Educational Purposes" (She was a coder, it was her project at school.) She released a few versions, and then removed all gameplay videos etc. from youtube, with the words "That's All Folks."
However! I have never been contacted since she was forced to drop the project - we spoke over mails, I helped her hunt down bugs etc. And since I have not been told anything, I will hold to her first mail which gives me full rights to share the project's beta version. I don't know which is worse, FFG or WB - both spanking poor common people.