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[Mod] Bizzarre character creating bug

ArtonaArtona Member Posts: 1,077
edited May 2016 in Troubleshooting
Hi, fellow users. Today I experienced probably the weirdest bug ever. Basically, while creating CHARNAME, when I'm choosing mage specialization conjurer, the next screen (with alignments) is blank. My version of game is, and I have following mods installed:
- Sirene NPC
- BG Unfinished Business
- Minor NPC portraits
- XP cap remover
- Non-player characters enhanced.

Does anyone knows what possibly could be a reason of that?

sc2.jpg 493.5K
sc1.jpg 302.4K
Post edited by Cerevant on


  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,503
    One of your mods must have overwritten the file ALIGNMNT.2DA with invalid data. My guess would be the XP cap remover since not all of them can properly deal with the shaman class yet and might screw up a bunch of important files as a result.
  • ArtonaArtona Member Posts: 1,077
    Thanks for response, @argent77. It didn't solve the issue, however. Guess I have to uninstall each one to see what causes that bug...
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