How does one change a Magic Item functioning via Charges to Continual Effect using DLTCEP?

I just started BG1EE on my PC again using a character that has max allowable wisdom; hoping to get some of the Maj Def Adj. referenced in the original BG1 manual when I obtain Wisdom increasing items later in the game. Upon reading this forum, I found Enchantment Immunity from high wisdom was never added to either release.
To do a quick fix and emulate the high wisdom trait, I found an item in BG1EE the Greenstone Amulet (AMUL17) that mimics some of the Enchantment Immunity; however, it operates with Charges “protects the wearer of against status effects that effect the mind like charm, confusion, fear, sleep, feeblemind, etc. at the cost of one CHARGE and will last 1 turn.” {Granted it looks like this item's effects would match Enchantment Immunity associated with a Wisdom of 23}
How do I modify/change this item (AMUL17) to a Continuous Effect item using DLTCEP?
To do a quick fix and emulate the high wisdom trait, I found an item in BG1EE the Greenstone Amulet (AMUL17) that mimics some of the Enchantment Immunity; however, it operates with Charges “protects the wearer of against status effects that effect the mind like charm, confusion, fear, sleep, feeblemind, etc. at the cost of one CHARGE and will last 1 turn.” {Granted it looks like this item's effects would match Enchantment Immunity associated with a Wisdom of 23}
How do I modify/change this item (AMUL17) to a Continuous Effect item using DLTCEP?
Post edited by Haladreth on
Then move those effects so that they are global effects.
Edit: Near Infinity is also an option for doing this as well. Personally, I find it easier to use.