Let's Play Baldur's Gate?

Hi guys, Dantos4 here.
I am currently playing all the way through "Vanilla" Baldur's Gate 1, 2 and BG:TOB with one character on my Youtube Channel "Dantos4".
Why would you like to watch?... Personally, I watch other people play BG because it is interesting to hear their points of view and see how their playstyles and choices differ from my own. I try to roleplay the game slightly, but I am certainly no master of the art.
I do dislike advertising any personal playthroughs of games, but I am making an exception as BG is a very unique and niche/older game, the active communities are few and far between. It is pointless sharing videos of a playthrough if the people who like the game are unaware you are playing it...
If you are interested in watching a playthrough of Baldur's Gate then please visit my channel. There are also a plethora of other (ongoing/completed) playthroughs available from users such as Infernocanuk, Squee913 / SpiffySquee, Mynameisnotlilly, ClawedRebel and many, many more. I am unsure of the comparability between BG:EE and BG vanilla savegames, but if my finances allow it and the save games are interchangeable, I will be playing out BG:EE at some point too (Before I start BG2:SOA, likely)
Anyway, I look forward to eventually playing BG:EE and I hope that anybody who is interested in others playing Baldur's Gate may check out mine or other's channels. It is surprisingly entertaining to watch, in my opinion.
Best of luck with BG:EE, it looks great!
My playlist:
I am currently playing all the way through "Vanilla" Baldur's Gate 1, 2 and BG:TOB with one character on my Youtube Channel "Dantos4".
Why would you like to watch?... Personally, I watch other people play BG because it is interesting to hear their points of view and see how their playstyles and choices differ from my own. I try to roleplay the game slightly, but I am certainly no master of the art.
I do dislike advertising any personal playthroughs of games, but I am making an exception as BG is a very unique and niche/older game, the active communities are few and far between. It is pointless sharing videos of a playthrough if the people who like the game are unaware you are playing it...
If you are interested in watching a playthrough of Baldur's Gate then please visit my channel. There are also a plethora of other (ongoing/completed) playthroughs available from users such as Infernocanuk, Squee913 / SpiffySquee, Mynameisnotlilly, ClawedRebel and many, many more. I am unsure of the comparability between BG:EE and BG vanilla savegames, but if my finances allow it and the save games are interchangeable, I will be playing out BG:EE at some point too (Before I start BG2:SOA, likely)
Anyway, I look forward to eventually playing BG:EE and I hope that anybody who is interested in others playing Baldur's Gate may check out mine or other's channels. It is surprisingly entertaining to watch, in my opinion.
Best of luck with BG:EE, it looks great!
My playlist:

@Kristie83 Thank you very much!
@Sylvus_Moonbow Indeed! I am currently finishing up watching Tord's (Mynameisnotlilly's) Let's Play, too! He is probably the best I have ever watched in terms of quality and length. His Neverwinter Nights (which continues Lilly Black as a character) is fantastic quality, in my opinion.
On that note, if you guys do take a look at this and think "not my thing", please do give a few others a look such as Mynameisnotlilly, Veriax and many others related to them. They have been doing this a lot longer than I and have higher quality playthroughs!
I did a LP series myself, which is composed of, what, 83 parts? Currently going through Baldur's Gate 2, but it is different in some ways : 1) The episodes are trice as long and 2) I attempt to voice act EVERY character in the game XD
Other than that, LPing also makes you get in touch with the viewers and that's why I love it so much, although sometimes I don't understand them entirely, for instance, my most viewed episode of the Baldur's Gate LP is one named "Killing the Wolvies Song" where I literally kill Wolfweres in Balduran's Shipwreck while singing. I guess craziness gets rewarded. GOOD THING TOO! I am all crazy!
@Cheesebelly Wow! That is some good commitment! Indeed, it seems the more popular guys are definitely the more eccentric ones. JohnZoidberg1417 (I believe that's the name) has a co-op LP of Neverwinter Nights where him and his friend voiceact and roleplay, it is quite fun to watch!
@Jaxsbudgie Haha yes it is! I do try and tone it down so people can actually, y'know, understand me... but it obviously seeps through with all the Scouse/NE-England phlegm-throat dialects we have :P
I will check out the Dantos4 take on the tale over the weekend at some point.
Since I first heard Tord I have thought, he has a great voice for radio.
After trying out BG:EE (and having several recording crashes with BG1 Vanilla) I have decided to restart my Let's Play as a BG:EE Let's Play!
The first episode will be out relatively soon.
I am also involved in a Blood Bowl League, for those who like that, and will be embarking on a bloodline Dwarf Fortress and a bloodline Gnomoria game soon.
Eventually, I will progress to Baldur's Gate 2 (EE If it is out by then) with TheEdnar, ClawedRebel, Pathrogas and some special guests.