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Dragons and Imprisonment

ARKdeEREHARKdeEREH Member Posts: 531
I just found a really interesting/cheap way to get infinite experience in BG2. I thought people might be interested. If you have the wardstone the Shadowdragon doesn't attack you, so I walked up to it and cast imprisonment, which gave me the experience for killing it, plus its gold/items. I then left, slept/memorized the freedom spell and then came back and did it again and repeated the process several times. The dragon never reacted at all, but every time I did it I got the experience as though I killed it.

I've cast imprisonment on dragons before, but during actual battles where it was really difficult to get the spell off while being attacked. I never realized it was possible to cast it inifinitly without the dragon even noticing! While this is sort of a cheap loophole/glitch it is also a good way to gain experience quickly!


  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    I thought most dragons were immune to Imprisonment? Oh well, neat glitch/bug you've found there! :p
  • cyberhawkcyberhawk Member Posts: 350
    That's a really funny exploit, but considering you have to have 2 9th grade spells for it to work well, it loses a lot of it's usefullnes. You'll be having over 3 million XP anyway at that point (maybe even 4, I don't remember) and the dragon gives you what? 40K?

    What's more important, do you get the dragon scales each time you imprison it? Infinite Shadowdragon armor for everyone! I'd just give all the joinable NPCs one set of that, no matter if they can equip it or not :P
  • ARKdeEREHARKdeEREH Member Posts: 531
    cyberhawk said:

    That's a really funny exploit, but considering you have to have 2 9th grade spells for it to work well, it loses a lot of it's usefullnes. You'll be having over 3 million XP anyway at that point (maybe even 4, I don't remember) and the dragon gives you what? 40K?

    What's more important, do you get the dragon scales each time you imprison it? Infinite Shadowdragon armor for everyone! I'd just give all the joinable NPCs one set of that, no matter if they can equip it or not :P

    I only got the items the first time, after that it's just the XP.

    My PC has been through multiple playthroughs, so he's high level, which is why he has the advanced spells. I just started a new game so his current party are mostly fresh recruits that can benefit from the XP.
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    interesting. I thought imprisoned creatures do not drop loots. Imprisonment is such a powerful spell, but you cant abuse it since most difficult bosses are immune to it. For lesser beings, they are not worthy of being imprisoned!
  • MilochMiloch Member Posts: 863
    Imprisoned creatures normally do not drop loot. You need a mod to enable it, like P5Tweaks or I think ToBEx.
  • RomulanPaladinRomulanPaladin Member Posts: 188
    bbear said:

    interesting. I thought imprisoned creatures do not drop loots. Imprisonment is such a powerful spell, but you cant abuse it since most difficult bosses are immune to it. For lesser beings, they are not worthy of being imprisoned!

    I thought much the same thing until they came out with ToB. Mariliths are obnoxious: they have immunities and give themselves more immunities right from the get-go with spells. One good imprisonment saves yourself a lot of annoyance. Probably the same with other daemons / devils.

    As for other dragons, you can likely do the same thing as you did with the shadow dragon once you get off a successful feeblemind. Yes Virginia, feeblemind DOES work on dragons!
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    Miloch said:

    Imprisoned creatures normally do not drop loot. You need a mod to enable it, like P5Tweaks or I think ToBEx.

    ... yeah, that's what I thought. There's always a catch to those spells.
  • fighter_mage_thieffighter_mage_thief Member Posts: 262
    The problem with Imprisonment is that in SoA, the cap was 2.95 million experience, which was just shy of a pure mage being able to even acquire 9th level spell slots, and there are very few Imprisonment scrolls in SoA, from what I recall.

    That being said, with ToB installed, characters can go up to 8 million experience even in SoA, which I always thought was a bit cheap. Whenever I see a planetar in SoA, I usually roll my eyes, because the summon is meant for the much higher tier campaign setting of ToB. The same goes for whirlwind, and other HLA's.

    I think this should probably be fixed, although I would prefer to see caps on how many permanent stat increases a character can receive or something like that, since hitting the experience cap is inevitable, even if it is through exploits. What I think would be annoying is players out there with 25 in every stat, and in BG as it currently is, this is entirely possible.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    ARKdeEREH said:

    Imprisoned creatures were dropping loot in my games before I installed any mods and I never installed any tweaks. The only mods I have now are SCS and Shadows over Soubar.

    Today I found another amusing Imprisonment situation. If you cast Imprisonment on Qilue in Ust Natha, she will drop her brain. You can then give her brain to the aboleth to complete the quest, even though Qilue isn't actually dead. If you want you can then go and release her from her magical prison.

  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    I like imprisoning beholders !
  • MungriMungri Member Posts: 1,645
    Before people start crying for this to be fixed, can I please beg for it not to be fixed? I have never tried it before and now I really want to, not because its OP, but because its fun.
  • RomulanPaladinRomulanPaladin Member Posts: 188
    Creatures always drop quest items regardless of how they are dispatched. That means that you can use imprisonment, disintegrate, flesh to stone, and cold spells without worry of breaking the game.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    At least she only dropped her brain, neeb drop his head, make 2 imprisonments and kill him in the 3° time and you finish with Jonny Cage Fatality from MK2, one uppecut, 3 heads ripped, XD! (i believe that would happen, i never tried this before).
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