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[MOD] Better Quick Loot v1.7

AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
edited September 2018 in UI Modding
Version 1.7

I've made an improved version of the quick loot bar, with the following changes:
  • Turned the quick loot bar into a compact, easy-to-navigate panel
  • Can be opened and closed via a hotkey (default: E)
  • When the quick loot panel is opened, it appears right next to the mouse cursor so you can start looting immediately
  • Added encumbrance indicator
  • New page indicator shows the current page number as well as the page total
  • Previous/next page buttons only become highlighted when appropriate, they're otherwise greyed out
  • Scrolling the mouse wheel over the quick loot panel scrolls between the item pages

You can install this mod to your game by following these steps:

1. Download the zip file from the bottom of this post and unpack its contents into your override folder.

2. Open up the file. Search for the line "toggle groundItemsButtonToggle" and delete the button section that contains it. Replace it with the following code:
-- BEGIN BETTER QUICK LOOT INIT 1.7 button { area 21 12 32 32 bam ROUNDBUT scaleToClip toggle groundItemsButtonToggle tooltip "Quick Loot" action " if(groundItemsButtonToggle == 1) then worldScreen:StartGroundItems() setQuickLootPosition(true) else worldScreen:StopGroundItems() end " actionAlt " if(groundItemsButtonToggle == 1) then worldScreen:StartGroundItems() setQuickLootPosition(true) else worldScreen:StopGroundItems() end " } button { area 21 12 0 0 on e toggle groundItemsButtonToggle action " Infinity_PlaySound('GAM_09') if(groundItemsButtonToggle == 1) then worldScreen:StartGroundItems() setQuickLootPosition() else worldScreen:StopGroundItems() end " } -- END BETTER QUICK LOOT INIT

3. Search for the menu section with the name "WORLD_QUICKLOOT" and delete the entire menu section. Replace it with the following code:
-- BEGIN BETTER QUICK LOOT MAIN 1.7 menu { name 'WORLD_QUICKLOOT' align center center ignoreEsc onClose " mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil " label { area 0 0 422 132 rectangle 0 actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } label { area 341 16 68 100 encumbrance actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } label { area 330 53 37 27 mosaic A0BQAR opacity 220 actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } label { area 273 54 65 24 text lua "getQuickLootPageText()" text style "label" align center center actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } label { area 283 8 45 48 bam A0BQSV10 sequence 0 frame 1 opacity 180 actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } label { area 283 76 45 48 bam A0BQSV10 sequence 1 frame 1 opacity 180 actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 283 8 45 48 bam A0BQSV10 sequence 0 enabled "worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(-1)" action " worldScreen:OnGroundScroll(-1) " actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 283 76 45 48 bam A0BQSV10 sequence 1 enabled "worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(1)" action " worldScreen:OnGroundScroll(1) " actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 13 13 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(0,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(0,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(0,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(0,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(0,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(0)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(0,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 67 13 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(1,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(1,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(1,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(1,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(1,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(1)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(1,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 121 13 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(2,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(2,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(2,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(2,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(2,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(2)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(2,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 175 13 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(3,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(3,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(3,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(3,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(3,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(3)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(3,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 229 13 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(4,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(4,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(4,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(4,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(4,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(4)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(4,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 13 67 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(5,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(5,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(5,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(5,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(5,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(5)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(5,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 67 67 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(6,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(6,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(6,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(6,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(6,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(6)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(6,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 121 67 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(7,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(7,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(7,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(7,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(7,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(7)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(7,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 175 67 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(8,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(8,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(8,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(8,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(8,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(8)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(8,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 229 67 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(9,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(9,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(9,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(9,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(9,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(9)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(9,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } } ` function setQuickLootPosition(buttonPress) local x,y = Infinity_GetMousePosition() if (buttonPress) then x = x - 39 else x = x + 26 end y = y - 66 local screenWidth,screenHeight = Infinity_GetScreenSize() if (x < (-screenWidth+422)/2 + 10) then x = (-screenWidth+422)/2 + 10 else if (x > (screenWidth+422)/2 - 432) then x = (screenWidth+422)/2 - 432 end end if (y < (-screenHeight+132)/2 + 10) then y = (-screenHeight+132)/2 + 10 else if (y > (screenHeight+132)/2 - 182) then y = (screenHeight+132)/2 - 182 end end Infinity_SetOffset('WORLD_QUICKLOOT',x,y) local i = 0 while (worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(i-1)) do i = i - 1 end worldScreen:OnGroundScroll(i) end function scrollQuickLootItems() if scrollDirection > 0 then if worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(-1) then worldScreen:OnGroundScroll(-1) end elseif scrollDirection < 0 then if worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(1) then worldScreen:OnGroundScroll(1) end end end function getQuickLootPageText() local prev = 0 while (worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(-prev-1)) do prev = prev + 1 end local next = 0 while (worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(next+1)) do next = next + 1 end return (prev+1) .. "/" .. (prev+next+1) end ` -- END BETTER QUICK LOOT MAIN

4. Finally, we need to avoid the quick loot bar repositioning itself whenever the message box is resized, as per the original behavior. Find the following line and either delete it or comment it out with --:
Infinity_SetOffset('WORLD_QUICKLOOT',0, -toolbarTop)

  • You can edit the line "on e" to change the quick loot hotkey.
  • If you're using a language other than English, you can edit the line tooltip "Quick Loot" with the appropriate translation for the quick loot button's tooltip.
Post edited by Adul on


  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    edited September 2018
    Archived old versions (up to 1.5):

    -- BEGIN BETTER QUICK LOOT INIT 1.5 button { area 21 12 32 32 bam ROUNDBUT toggle groundItemsButtonToggle action " if(groundItemsButtonToggle == 1) then worldScreen:StartGroundItems() setQuickLootPosition(true) else worldScreen:StopGroundItems() end " } button { area 21 12 0 0 on e toggle groundItemsButtonToggle action " Infinity_PlaySound('GAM_09') if(groundItemsButtonToggle == 1) then worldScreen:StartGroundItems() setQuickLootPosition() else worldScreen:StopGroundItems() end " } -- END BETTER QUICK LOOT INIT
    -- BEGIN BETTER QUICK LOOT MAIN 1.5 menu { name 'WORLD_QUICKLOOT' align center center ignoreEsc onClose " mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil " label { area 0 0 422 132 rectangle 0 actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } label { area 341 16 68 100 encumbrance actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } label { area 330 53 37 27 mosaic A0BQAR actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } label { area 273 54 65 24 text lua "getQuickLootPageText()" text style "label" align center center actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } label { area 283 8 45 48 bam GUISV10 sequence 0 frame 1 opacity 180 actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } label { area 283 76 45 48 bam GUISV10 sequence 1 frame 1 opacity 180 actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 283 8 45 48 bam GUISV10 sequence 0 enabled "worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(-1)" action " worldScreen:OnGroundScroll(-1) " actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 283 76 45 48 bam GUISV10 sequence 1 enabled "worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(1)" action " worldScreen:OnGroundScroll(1) " actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 13 13 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(0,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(0,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(0,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(0,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(0,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(0)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(0,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 67 13 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(1,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(1,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(1,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(1,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(1,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(1)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(1,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 121 13 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(2,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(2,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(2,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(2,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(2,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(2)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(2,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 175 13 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(3,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(3,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(3,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(3,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(3,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(3)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(3,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 229 13 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(4,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(4,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(4,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(4,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(4,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(4)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(4,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 13 67 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(5,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(5,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(5,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(5,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(5,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(5)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(5,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 67 67 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(6,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(6,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(6,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(6,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(6,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(6)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(6,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 121 67 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(7,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(7,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(7,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(7,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(7,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(7)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(7,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 175 67 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(8,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(8,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(8,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(8,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(8,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(8)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(8,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 229 67 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(9,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(9,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(9,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(9,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(9,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(9)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(9,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } } ` function setQuickLootPosition(buttonPress) local x,y = Infinity_GetMousePosition() if (buttonPress) then x = x - 39 else x = x + 26 end y = y - 66 local screenWidth,screenHeight = Infinity_GetScreenSize() if (x < (-screenWidth+422)/2 + 10) then x = (-screenWidth+422)/2 + 10 else if (x > (screenWidth+422)/2 - 432) then x = (screenWidth+422)/2 - 432 end end if (y < (-screenHeight+132)/2 + 10) then y = (-screenHeight+132)/2 + 10 else if (y > (screenHeight+132)/2 - 182) then y = (screenHeight+132)/2 - 182 end end Infinity_SetOffset('WORLD_QUICKLOOT',x,y) local i = 0 while (worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(i-1)) do i = i - 1 end worldScreen:OnGroundScroll(i) end function scrollQuickLootItems() if scrollDirection > 0 then if worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(-1) then worldScreen:OnGroundScroll(-1) end elseif scrollDirection < 0 then if worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(1) then worldScreen:OnGroundScroll(1) end end end function getQuickLootPageText() local prev = 0 while (worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(-prev-1)) do prev = prev + 1 end local next = 0 while (worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(next+1)) do next = next + 1 end return (prev+1) .. "/" .. (prev+next+1) end ` -- END BETTER QUICK LOOT MAIN

    -- BEGIN BETTER QUICK LOOT INIT 1.4 button { area 21 12 32 32 bam ROUNDBUT toggle groundItemsButtonToggle action " if(groundItemsButtonToggle == 1) then worldScreen:StartGroundItems() setQuickLootPosition(true) else worldScreen:StopGroundItems() end " } button { area 21 12 0 0 on e toggle groundItemsButtonToggle action " Infinity_PlaySound('GAM_09') if(groundItemsButtonToggle == 1) then worldScreen:StartGroundItems() setQuickLootPosition() else worldScreen:StopGroundItems() end " } -- END BETTER QUICK LOOT INIT
    -- BEGIN BETTER QUICK LOOT MAIN 1.4 menu { name 'WORLD_QUICKLOOT' align center center ignoreEsc onClose " mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil " label { area 0 0 417 132 rectangle 0 actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } label { area 336 16 68 100 encumbrance actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } label { area 273 54 65 24 text lua "getQuickLootPageText()" text style "label" align center center actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } label { area 283 8 45 48 bam GUISV10 sequence 0 frame 1 opacity 180 actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } label { area 283 76 45 48 bam GUISV10 sequence 1 frame 1 opacity 180 actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 283 8 45 48 bam GUISV10 sequence 0 enabled "worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(-1)" action " worldScreen:OnGroundScroll(-1) " actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 283 76 45 48 bam GUISV10 sequence 1 enabled "worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(1)" action " worldScreen:OnGroundScroll(1) " actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 13 13 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(0,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(0,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(0,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(0,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(0,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(0)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(0,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 67 13 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(1,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(1,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(1,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(1,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(1,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(1)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(1,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 121 13 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(2,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(2,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(2,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(2,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(2,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(2)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(2,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 175 13 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(3,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(3,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(3,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(3,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(3,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(3)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(3,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 229 13 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(4,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(4,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(4,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(4,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(4,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(4)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(4,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 13 67 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(5,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(5,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(5,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(5,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(5,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(5)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(5,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 67 67 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(6,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(6,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(6,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(6,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(6,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(6)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(6,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 121 67 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(7,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(7,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(7,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(7,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(7,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(7)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(7,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 175 67 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(8,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(8,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(8,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(8,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(8,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(8)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(8,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 229 67 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(9,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(9,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(9,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(9,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(9,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(9)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(9,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } } ` function setQuickLootPosition(buttonPress) local x,y = Infinity_GetMousePosition() if (buttonPress) then x = x - 39 else x = x + 26 end y = y - 66 local screenWidth,screenHeight = Infinity_GetScreenSize() if (x < (-screenWidth+417)/2 + 10) then x = (-screenWidth+417)/2 + 10 else if (x > (screenWidth+417)/2 - 427) then x = (screenWidth+417)/2 - 427 end end if (y < (-screenHeight+132)/2 + 10) then y = (-screenHeight+132)/2 + 10 else if (y > (screenHeight+132)/2 - 182) then y = (screenHeight+132)/2 - 182 end end Infinity_SetOffset('WORLD_QUICKLOOT',x,y) local i = 0 while (worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(i-1)) do i = i - 1 end worldScreen:OnGroundScroll(i) end function scrollQuickLootItems() if scrollDirection > 0 then if worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(-1) then worldScreen:OnGroundScroll(-1) end elseif scrollDirection < 0 then if worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(1) then worldScreen:OnGroundScroll(1) end end end function getQuickLootPageText() local prev = 0 while (worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(-prev-1)) do prev = prev + 1 end local next = 0 while (worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(next+1)) do next = next + 1 end return (prev+1) .. "/" .. (prev+next+1) end ` -- END BETTER QUICK LOOT MAIN

    -- BEGIN BETTER QUICK LOOT INIT 1.3 button { area 21 12 32 32 bam ROUNDBUT toggle groundItemsButtonToggle action " if(groundItemsButtonToggle == 1) then worldScreen:StartGroundItems() setQuickLootPosition() else worldScreen:StopGroundItems() end " } button { area 21 12 0 0 on e toggle groundItemsButtonToggle action " Infinity_PlaySound('GAM_09') if(groundItemsButtonToggle == 1) then worldScreen:StartGroundItems() setQuickLootPosition() else worldScreen:StopGroundItems() end " } -- END BETTER QUICK LOOT INIT
    -- BEGIN BETTER QUICK LOOT MAIN 1.3 menu { name 'WORLD_QUICKLOOT' align center center ignoreEsc onClose " mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil " label { area 0 0 417 132 rectangle 0 } label { area 13 16 68 100 encumbrance } label { area 354 54 65 24 text lua "getQuickLootPageText()" text style "label" align center center } label { area 364 8 45 48 bam GUISV10 sequence 0 frame 1 opacity 180 } label { area 364 76 45 48 bam GUISV10 sequence 1 frame 1 opacity 180 } button { area 364 8 45 48 bam GUISV10 sequence 0 enabled "worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(-1)" action " worldScreen:OnGroundScroll(-1) " } button { area 364 76 45 48 bam GUISV10 sequence 1 enabled "worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(1)" action " worldScreen:OnGroundScroll(1) " } button { area 94 13 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(0,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(0,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(0,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(0,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(0,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(0)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(0,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" } button { area 148 13 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(1,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(1,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(1,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(1,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(1,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(1)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(1,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" } button { area 202 13 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(2,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(2,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(2,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(2,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(2,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(2)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(2,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" } button { area 256 13 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(3,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(3,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(3,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(3,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(3,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(3)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(3,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" } button { area 310 13 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(4,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(4,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(4,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(4,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(4,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(4)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(4,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" } button { area 94 67 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(5,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(5,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(5,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(5,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(5,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(5)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(5,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" } button { area 148 67 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(6,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(6,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(6,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(6,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(6,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(6)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(6,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" } button { area 202 67 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(7,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(7,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(7,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(7,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(7,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(7)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(7,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" } button { area 256 67 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(8,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(8,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(8,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(8,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(8,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(8)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(8,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" } button { area 310 67 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(9,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(9,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(9,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(9,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(9,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(9)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(9,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" } } ` function setQuickLootPosition() local x,y = Infinity_GetMousePosition() x = x - 47 y = y - 66 local screenWidth,screenHeight = Infinity_GetScreenSize() if (x < (-screenWidth+417)/2 + 10) then x = (-screenWidth+417)/2 + 10 else if (x > (screenWidth+417)/2 - 427) then x = (screenWidth+417)/2 - 427 end end if (y < (-screenHeight+132)/2 + 10) then y = (-screenHeight+132)/2 + 10 else if (y > (screenHeight+132)/2 - 182) then y = (screenHeight+132)/2 - 182 end end Infinity_SetOffset('WORLD_QUICKLOOT',x,y) end function getQuickLootPageText() local prev = 0 while (worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(-prev-1)) do prev = prev + 1 end local next = 0 while (worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(next+1)) do next = next + 1 end return (prev+1) .. "/" .. (prev+next+1) end ` -- END BETTER QUICK LOOT MAIN

    -- BEGIN BETTER QUICK LOOT INIT 1.2 button { area 21 12 32 32 bam ROUNDBUT toggle groundItemsButtonToggle action " if(groundItemsButtonToggle == 1) then worldScreen:StartGroundItems() setQuickLootPosition() else worldScreen:StopGroundItems() end " } button { area 21 12 0 0 on e toggle groundItemsButtonToggle action " Infinity_PlaySound('GAM_09') if(groundItemsButtonToggle == 1) then worldScreen:StartGroundItems() setQuickLootPosition() else worldScreen:StopGroundItems() end " } -- END BETTER QUICK LOOT INIT
    -- BEGIN BETTER QUICK LOOT MAIN 1.2 menu { name 'WORLD_QUICKLOOT' align center center ignoreEsc onClose " mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil " label { area -8 -30 346 142 rectangle 0 } label { area 115 -24 100 24 text lua "getQuickLootPageText()" text style "label" align center center } label { area 0 24 35 57 bam GUIBTACT frame 45 } label { area 295 24 35 57 bam GUIBTACT frame 43 } button { area 0 24 35 57 bam GUIBTACT frame 44 enabled "worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(-1)" action " worldScreen:OnGroundScroll(-1) " } button { area 295 24 35 57 bam GUIBTACT frame 42 enabled "worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(1)" action " worldScreen:OnGroundScroll(1) " } button { area 35 0 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(0,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(0,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(0,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(0,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(0,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(0)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(0,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" } button { area 87 0 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(1,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(1,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(1,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(1,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(1,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(1)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(1,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" } button { area 139 0 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(2,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(2,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(2,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(2,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(2,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(2)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(2,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" } button { area 191 0 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(3,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(3,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(3,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(3,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(3,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(3)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(3,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" } button { area 243 0 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(4,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(4,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(4,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(4,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(4,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(4)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(4,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" } button { area 35 52 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(5,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(5,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(5,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(5,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(5,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(5)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(5,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" } button { area 87 52 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(6,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(6,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(6,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(6,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(6,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(6)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(6,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" } button { area 139 52 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(7,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(7,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(7,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(7,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(7,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(7)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(7,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" } button { area 191 52 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(8,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(8,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(8,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(8,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(8,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(8)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(8,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" } button { area 243 52 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(9,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(9,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(9,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(9,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(9,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(9)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(9,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" } } ` function setQuickLootPosition() local x,y = Infinity_GetMousePosition() x = x - 18 y = y - 52 local screenWidth,screenHeight = Infinity_GetScreenSize() if (x < (-screenWidth+350)/2 + 10) then x = (-screenWidth+350)/2 + 10 else if (x > (screenWidth+350)/2 - 356) then x = (screenWidth+350)/2 - 356 end end if (y < (-screenHeight+146)/2 + 24) then y = (-screenHeight+146)/2 + 24 else if (y > (screenHeight+146)/2 - 180) then y = (screenHeight+146)/2 - 180 end end Infinity_SetOffset('WORLD_QUICKLOOT',x,y) end function getQuickLootPageText() local prev = 0 while (worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(-prev-1)) do prev = prev + 1 end local next = 0 while (worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(next+1)) do next = next + 1 end return (prev+1) .. "/" .. (prev+next+1) end ` -- END BETTER QUICK LOOT MAIN
    Post edited by Adul on
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    edited May 2016
    Update 1.1:
    Fixed a minor positioning bug

    Update 1.2:
    Tinkered some more with positioning for improved usability

    Update 1.3:
    Redesigned the quick loot panel
    Added encumbrance indicator to the quick loot panel
    Post edited by Adul on
  • Mr2150Mr2150 Member Posts: 1,170
    Great job - it's very pretty!
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    A bit of constructive criticism: the appearance of the backpack and weight makes it look like the window is showing your character's inventory, not the items on the ground. Off the top of my head, I'd suggest moving that graphic over to the right side and add some context information that makes it clear whose inventory that is.

    Nice work, though! Very sleek.
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    Dee said:

    A bit of constructive criticism: the appearance of the backpack and weight makes it look like the window is showing your character's inventory, not the items on the ground. Off the top of my head, I'd suggest moving that graphic over to the right side and add some context information that makes it clear whose inventory that is.

    Nice work, though! Very sleek.

    Yeah, I think you're right, it makes more sense on the right side. I don't know if I can add any other clues without increasing the panel's size too much, but I do have a few ideas to try out. We'll see.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    maybe there is an alterate bam besides the backpack or someone can make one. Not sure how you make a picture of the ground though or something. Maybe an Arrow overlay pointing into the backpack?
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447

    Maybe an Arrow overlay pointing into the backpack?

    That's the right idea, I think. If you can convey that the backpack is the destination, that will eliminate the confusion.
  • Mr2150Mr2150 Member Posts: 1,170
    edited May 2016
    I agree... You need some kind of graphic that implies putting in your bag.

    Here's a hastily (and very badly drawn) MS PAINT copy/paste job... Something like that, but nicer...

  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    Mr2150 said:

    I agree... You need some kind of graphic that implies putting in your bag.

    Here's a hastily (and very badly drawn) MS PAINT copy/paste job... Something like that, but nicer...

    Or maybe something like opened backpack?
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    edited May 2016
    I think the backpack image is hardcoded into the encumbrance counter and I couldn't change it without either making a new counter from scratch, or also changing the image in the inventory, container menu, etc. So I think I'll keep the default image.

    I can, however, overlay another image over it, and I like the arrow idea. @Mr2150 Do you mind if I use yours as a basis? It's a whole lot better than what I could come up with, me being as severely graphically challenged as I am.
  • Mr2150Mr2150 Member Posts: 1,170
    Mine was just a copy of the quicksave arrow added onto the existing backpack logo... so feel free.. :)
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    edited May 2016
    Update 1.4:
    • Moved the encumbrance indicator over to the right side of the panel
    • Scrolling the mouse wheel while the cursor is over the quick loot panel now flips between the item pages
    • The quick loot panel now resets to the first item page each time it's opened
    Unfortunately I couldn't quite make the arrow work without it seeming out of place. Now matter what I tried it looked somewhat confusing, and it didn't help that there were already two other arrows on the panel. So this will have to do, for now. If you have any suggestions for further improvement, let me know.
    Post edited by Adul on
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    Looks good....
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    edited June 2016
    Yeah, I think for now I'm satisfied with how it looks and feels. I'll probably stop messing with it unless I find a problem or something.

    Thanks for the suggestions everyone!
  • ImionaImiona Member Posts: 30
    I really love this, the only thing that i dont like are the Golden Icon Boarders. Can you tell me how i can change them to this? Thank you :smile:
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    @Imiona The mod uses the game's default look for inventory slots, so you can't change them without also changing the appearance of the item slots in the inventory. That said, I think it should be possible to change it. It would take a bit of time, but if you're up for it you could probably get it done.

    First, you'd need to find out which resource holds the image of the inventory slots. I'd start with looking through the game's BAM resources in NearInfinity and if I could find it that way. It's also possible that it's in some other graphical format, I wouldn't know off the top of my head.

    Once you have the resource, you'll probably need to convert it to a regular image format like png, then edit it to your liking, and convert it back to BAM (or whatever format the original resource was). There are a bunch of tools out there to do these conversions. And then, when you have the altered file, you'd just need to put it in the game's override folder, and that should be it.
  • ImionaImiona Member Posts: 30
    Uff, that sounds complicated, i think i will stick with the default ones^^^Thank you
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    edited September 2018
    Archived old versions (since 1.6):

    -- BEGIN BETTER QUICK LOOT INIT 1.6 button { area 21 12 32 32 bam ROUNDBUT toggle groundItemsButtonToggle action " if(groundItemsButtonToggle == 1) then worldScreen:StartGroundItems() setQuickLootPosition(true) else worldScreen:StopGroundItems() end " } button { area 21 12 0 0 on e toggle groundItemsButtonToggle action " Infinity_PlaySound('GAM_09') if(groundItemsButtonToggle == 1) then worldScreen:StartGroundItems() setQuickLootPosition() else worldScreen:StopGroundItems() end " } -- END BETTER QUICK LOOT INIT
    -- BEGIN BETTER QUICK LOOT MAIN 1.6 menu { name 'WORLD_QUICKLOOT' align center center ignoreEsc onClose " mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil " label { area 0 0 422 132 rectangle 0 actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } label { area 341 16 68 100 encumbrance actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } label { area 330 53 37 27 mosaic A0BQAR opacity 220 actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } label { area 273 54 65 24 text lua "getQuickLootPageText()" text style "label" align center center actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } label { area 283 8 45 48 bam A0BQSV10 sequence 0 frame 1 opacity 180 actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } label { area 283 76 45 48 bam A0BQSV10 sequence 1 frame 1 opacity 180 actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 283 8 45 48 bam A0BQSV10 sequence 0 enabled "worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(-1)" action " worldScreen:OnGroundScroll(-1) " actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 283 76 45 48 bam A0BQSV10 sequence 1 enabled "worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(1)" action " worldScreen:OnGroundScroll(1) " actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 13 13 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(0,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(0,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(0,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(0,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(0,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(0)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(0,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 67 13 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(1,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(1,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(1,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(1,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(1,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(1)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(1,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 121 13 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(2,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(2,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(2,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(2,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(2,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(2)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(2,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 175 13 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(3,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(3,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(3,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(3,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(3,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(3)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(3,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 229 13 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(4,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(4,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(4,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(4,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(4,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(4)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(4,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 13 67 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(5,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(5,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(5,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(5,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(5,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(5)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(5,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 67 67 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(6,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(6,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(6,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(6,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(6,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(6)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(6,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 121 67 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(7,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(7,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(7,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(7,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(7,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(7)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(7,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 175 67 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(8,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(8,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(8,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(8,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(8,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(8)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(8,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } button { area 229 67 52 52 bam STONSLOT tooltip lua "getGroundItemProperty(9,'name')" tint lua "getGroundItemProperty(9,'tint')" icon lua "getGroundItemProperty(9,'icon')" count lua "getGroundItemProperty(9,'count')" usages lua "getGroundItemProperty(9,'usages')" action "groundItemClick(9)" actionEnter "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = getSlotContainerId(9,'containerId')" actionExit "mouseOverQuicklootContainer = nil" actionScroll "scrollQuickLootItems()" } } ` function setQuickLootPosition(buttonPress) local x,y = Infinity_GetMousePosition() if (buttonPress) then x = x - 39 else x = x + 26 end y = y - 66 local screenWidth,screenHeight = Infinity_GetScreenSize() if (x < (-screenWidth+422)/2 + 10) then x = (-screenWidth+422)/2 + 10 else if (x > (screenWidth+422)/2 - 432) then x = (screenWidth+422)/2 - 432 end end if (y < (-screenHeight+132)/2 + 10) then y = (-screenHeight+132)/2 + 10 else if (y > (screenHeight+132)/2 - 182) then y = (screenHeight+132)/2 - 182 end end Infinity_SetOffset('WORLD_QUICKLOOT',x,y) local i = 0 while (worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(i-1)) do i = i - 1 end worldScreen:OnGroundScroll(i) end function scrollQuickLootItems() if scrollDirection > 0 then if worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(-1) then worldScreen:OnGroundScroll(-1) end elseif scrollDirection < 0 then if worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(1) then worldScreen:OnGroundScroll(1) end end end function getQuickLootPageText() local prev = 0 while (worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(-prev-1)) do prev = prev + 1 end local next = 0 while (worldScreen:GroundScrollEnabled(next+1)) do next = next + 1 end return (prev+1) .. "/" .. (prev+next+1) end ` -- END BETTER QUICK LOOT MAIN
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    Update 1.7:
    Updated the mod for BG:EE v2.5.17 and BG2:EE v2.5.16.

    Since I needed my code to reposition the quick loot panel whenever the player uses the quick loot hotkey, I couldn't utilize the game's newly added integrated hotkey. The integrated hotkey can either be disabled or set to the same key as the mod's hotkey, it doesn't matter as the mod overrides its behavior.
  • raizoraizo Member Posts: 31
    This quick loot bar is fantastic.
    Is there a way to make the bar more "capacious".
    Let's say 3 rows with 10 squares each?
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