Access Console

So, i just downloaded BG1EE and BG2EE onto my new computer, and for the life of me i cannot find the baldur.ini file to edit in order to unlock the console. I have "Show Hidden Files" on, and i've looked in my Documents folder where it stores the saves, yet the only text file there, is Baldur.lua. I've inserted "'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1'," into Baldur.lua, yet the console still doesn't work. I'm on Windows 10.
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Debug','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Debug Mode','1')
Save the file. Reopen the game.
Is your computer set to some other language than English? If I recall, there is an issue because the Ctl-Space key combination is mapped to another function like bringing up the language switcher.