Easter Eggs / Weird Stuff / Hidden Goodies

I was looking at a few other threads which were referencing some hidden stuff that I was never aware of. A good example is the animal noises thread... I had no idea about clicking cows and bears and chickens!
It gave me the idea to set up a thread where you guys can post any weird and wonderful (or mundane... mundane is good, too) secrets in Baldur's Gate 1 and 2?
A few examples to get the memory ball rolling:
1. Diamond in Lion's Way in the tree
2. Ring of protection in the crossroads S of Friendly Arm Inn
3. Ankheg Armour in Nashkel
4. Noober... in general. (What? I killed him the first 20 or-so times!)
5. Semaj (at the end-game) was a reference to James backwards (can't remember surname) who was dungeon designer
6. Tazok appearing in BG2... or: "I knew I owed somebody a punch from the previous game"-guy
7. Gromnir from TOB was apparently based on a forum goer who would debate with everybody, including the dev's. Ending his arguments with "Ha! Good fun!"
8. Ajantis reappearing (read: dying by my hand muahaha) in BG2 and Keldorn being in his biography in BG1
9. The genie bottle you could pickpocket from the guard of the genie camp in trademeet
10. Imoen was apparently also mashed together from old script and voicework in BG1. Not originally an intended character (rumour? truth?)
11. Charming the spider-cloakwood-thing and getting the name "Jon Icarus" as in "Jonaleth Irenicus"
12. Prism was inspired by the Elf Queen (Ellisime?) from BG2
13. The original DnD Cartoons (I think it's them?) in the Adventurer's Mart in BG2
14. There is a mage in Baldur's Gate city who is referenced in the R.A. Salvatore books. I forget his name.
15. The whole "golden pantaloons" thing.
16. Casting heal on Yakman (also another forum member's name originally, I believe) in TOB gives unique dialogue.
Aaaaaand my brain hurts.
It gave me the idea to set up a thread where you guys can post any weird and wonderful (or mundane... mundane is good, too) secrets in Baldur's Gate 1 and 2?
A few examples to get the memory ball rolling:
1. Diamond in Lion's Way in the tree
2. Ring of protection in the crossroads S of Friendly Arm Inn
3. Ankheg Armour in Nashkel
4. Noober... in general. (What? I killed him the first 20 or-so times!)
5. Semaj (at the end-game) was a reference to James backwards (can't remember surname) who was dungeon designer
6. Tazok appearing in BG2... or: "I knew I owed somebody a punch from the previous game"-guy
7. Gromnir from TOB was apparently based on a forum goer who would debate with everybody, including the dev's. Ending his arguments with "Ha! Good fun!"
8. Ajantis reappearing (read: dying by my hand muahaha) in BG2 and Keldorn being in his biography in BG1
9. The genie bottle you could pickpocket from the guard of the genie camp in trademeet
10. Imoen was apparently also mashed together from old script and voicework in BG1. Not originally an intended character (rumour? truth?)
11. Charming the spider-cloakwood-thing and getting the name "Jon Icarus" as in "Jonaleth Irenicus"
12. Prism was inspired by the Elf Queen (Ellisime?) from BG2
13. The original DnD Cartoons (I think it's them?) in the Adventurer's Mart in BG2
14. There is a mage in Baldur's Gate city who is referenced in the R.A. Salvatore books. I forget his name.
15. The whole "golden pantaloons" thing.
16. Casting heal on Yakman (also another forum member's name originally, I believe) in TOB gives unique dialogue.
Aaaaaand my brain hurts.
There was also a Wand of Frost and a Cloudkill spell-scroll south of Nashkel iirc.
Firebeard Elvenhair gives you 300 gold if you talk to him 30 times.
An NPC named Lord Foreshadow mentions Athkatla as being a quite popular destination in the future if u choose the right dialog option (a hint about the location of BG2).
Charming certain people to get cool background info - For example f you charm the Flaming Fist mercenary that's trying to kill Viconia he tells you he's been hunting a drow that killed a farmer and his family.
Charming Nimbul the Assassin and having him being all torn up about how he has to kill you (BUT I LOVE YOU) funny stuff.
One from IWD I like that ties into BG is the fact that Erevain Blacksheaf and Xan are cousins (you find out when you discover Erevain's journal after he is slain).
I also thought of Algernon's Cloak, even though it is somewhat well known.
I think next I might try charming the little boy who's sad about his family being murdered by bandits, see if I can get him to follow me to Beregost...
Speaking of "hidden goodies" though...
For the life of me I can't remember who or what map location they are exactly at the moment, but an NPC will approch you somewhere in the upper portian of the world map (before you you enter BG) and ask you something.
I can't remember if when you pickpocket him he has anything of value, but If you cheese kill him as he's walking off the map, he has a +2 sword on him which you can use.
Reminds me: You can pickpocket the Sword vs. Shapeshifters from the guy in Cloakwood forest once, and twice more when you meet him in BG (if you don't kill him)
And you can also get the ring of animal control from the druids there too, pickpocketing again
great live performer, as well
If Mash did that, I would agree 100% and twice on Sundays. With Newhart doing this like this, I laughed my rear off.
edit: psychologist, not psychoanalyst
Thanks Zundar! I spent about an hour after posting it running around the house trying to find my Legend series and get the name
In Nashkel Clicking on the gravestones tells you whats written on them and reading one of the stones makes a caster called Daer' Ragh appear! And he tells you not to do that again! if you do it again he reappears with a bunch of Phoenix Guards! O_O usually meaning instant death for entire party XD
Someone was like "no! don't remove hidden items there will be no ring of wizardry in the game anymore!" and I facepalmed hard.
Charming Dynaheir reveals why she's so far south - researching the Bhaalspawn prophecy. Totes makes her and Minsc genuinely canon.
...I guess I shouldn't have expected anything, but I was a silly teenager at the time, and it made sense back then.