BG/BG2 Solo Min Death Challenge

This challenge is inspired by the other thread The BG Saga (Solo) No Death Challenge. The main difference is that this challenge is not played in hardcore rules. If the protagonist dies, the player doesnt need to restart from the beginning of the game (I, like many other players, cannot deal with the frustration). However, the goal of this challenge is to minimize the number of reloads. The idea is that sometimes players including myself make stupid mistakes and I reload to avoid the bad consequences. However, if instead I continue the gameplay and overcome the challenges of the bad consequences, the gaming experience is more rewarding. Sometimes I may discover new ways to win what would otherwise a difficult encounter.
The rules of this challenge is 1) Solo character and 2) no reload unless the pc dies (with special exception due to bugs/crashes). Also, record the number of times the pc dies/reloads in this challenge.
Final note: I welcome other players in this forum to play this challenge and post the results in this thread (images and/or text summary) . I think we can learn a lot from each other on tactics fighting certain boss or enemy encounters.
The rules of this challenge is 1) Solo character and 2) no reload unless the pc dies (with special exception due to bugs/crashes). Also, record the number of times the pc dies/reloads in this challenge.
Final note: I welcome other players in this forum to play this challenge and post the results in this thread (images and/or text summary) . I think we can learn a lot from each other on tactics fighting certain boss or enemy encounters.
-Difficulty: Insane (Double damage done to the party)
-Number of deaths/reload: 7!! (5 times from traps, twice from killing myself with skull traps)
My favorite class the sorcerer. Sorcerer is very flexible and there are only a handful of spells that are absolutely required for a solo game. I rolled an 87 and assigned the points accordingly:
In 2nd edition rule, a sorcerer does not have a required stat. So I assigned the points first to dexterity and constitution, then strength for weight and the occasional melee, and lastly divided evenly between intelligence and wisdom.
Here is my initial spell choices:
Rank in order of usefulness
Lv 1: Magic Missile, Shield, Protection from Evil, Blindness, Spook
Lv 2: Knock, Mirror Image, Web
Lv 3: Skull Trap, Slow
In this round, I played through the irenicus dungeon, various sidequests in Athakla and the de'Arnise Keep. At the end of this session, my pc already leveled up to level 13. My new spells:
Lv 2: Resist Fear, Melf's Acid Arrows
Lv 3: Minute Meteor, Remove Magic
Lv 4: Stoneskin, Greater Malision, Minor Sequencer, Wizard Eye
Lv 5: Sunfire, Spell Immunity, Lower Resistance
Lv 6: Protection from Magical Weapon, Death Spell
Even though this game is played at insane difficulty, the game feels like playing on normal difficulty because the sorcerer/mage class has so many protections and defenses. The only obstacle is to survive traps. In this first round, my pc died fives times from petrifaction, charm, acid and lightning traps (even though I had mirror image on for the damage traps). Also, I thought my pc was far enough but he was killed by his own skull traps.
-Number of New Deaths: 3 (2 from the same damn trap at the Shark City, 1 from getting killed by the beholder at the twisted rune)
-Number of total deaths/reloads: 10
Since this is a solo challenge, I had no choice but killed Valygar to access the Planar Sphere. It turned out that it is possible to acquire THREE rings of the ram w/o cheating. The familiar ferret stole the 1st ring, my sorcerer received reward for the 2nd ring (killed valygar and demanded tolergia to give a better reward w/o giving him the body - I dropped the body on the ground), and kill tolergia at the planar sphere. With 3 rings, it's guarantee to kill kangaxx w/o any other attacks or spells.
Before facing the twisted rune challenge, I had to deal with the cowled wizards at the city gate district.
Beholder is very tough for a mage because there was no protection against its death ray. Had to hide and summon monsters to fight it the 2nd time.
I decided to go Spellhold since my level was getting too high. In fact, the battle w/ irenicus I killed him in 3 rounds. For some reason, the prisoner mages didnt die and became hostile. I had to deal with them too.
At the end of round 2, I was at the Underdark. My sorcerer was already at lvl 21. The next step would be killing the 3 princes, drows and the silver dragon.
My sorcerer's new spells:
Lv 5: Animate Dead
Lv 6: True Sight, Pierce Magic
Lv 7: Mordenkain Sword, Finger of Death, Spell Sequencer
Lv 8: Power Word Blind, Horrid Wilting, Spell Trigger
Lv 9: Timestop, Spellstrike, Wish
-Number of new deaths: 2 (from the Watcher's Keep Final Guardian Battle, the Hive Mother)
-Number of total deaths/reloads: 12
Well, I think the trap problem was solved. My pc's saves were getting better and he would always put on mirror image, stone skin, minor globe of invulnerability and spell deflection on area filled w/ traps. Occasionally, a chain lightning/cloud traps would still go through, but he had enough hp to survive a few hits.
My sorcerer ignored the drow city and instead went on a quest killing dragons (Beware, many images:)
At Watcher's Keep, my max level sorcerer just rolled over anything (except the hive mother). In general, beholders are tough for anyone who doesnt wield the shield of balduran. Those anti-magic and death rays were deadly. I got killed twice because I ran into it the wrong place at the wrong time. Summoned helpers to deal with it.
A sorcerer could pretty much destroyed anything. Dead demons, dragons and the Demogorgon. Did you know that there is a way to make the demogorgon battle even cheesier?
Demogorgon battle cheese/exploit: summon a sword and demand it to show itself. Quickly run upstairs and click on the REST button. All of Demogorgon's summons disappear.
My last selections of spells:
Lv 3: Flame Arrow
Lv 4: Minor Globe of Invulnerability
Lv 5: Breach
Lv 6: Spell Deflection
Lv 7: Projected Image, Warding Whip
Lv 8: Incendiary Cloud
Lv 9: Chain Contingency
Almost completed SoA. Just need to finish Suldenessellar to get to ToB.
Spell Immunity is a must for demi-lich who cast imprisonment constantly (immunity against abjuration), mages who cast maze (conjuration) and charm/chaos/domination (enchantment). In theory, you can be protected from all magic by doing immunity against all 9 schools.
I want to point out that you totally had a choice to not kill Valygar - all you had to do was to get him to go with you and open the door, then dismiss him permanently. I'm not sure I understand why you thought it was necessary to kill him, unless you just wanted to, for whatever reason. Maybe you don't like him?
Out of curiosity, did you take a 10 point reputation hit when you killed him?
the robe of vecna and later bracer of 3 defense.
Frankly, there's not much useful lvl 1 spells. I use blindess 1 time on the duegar, protection against evil for summoned fiends, and never used spook. I prefer consistent damage spells like magic missiles over success/failure spells like the chromatic orb/charm person.
Do a run through, where if an NPC dies, you cannot reload, but instead have to go and recruit another NPC to replace them. When or if all NPCs die, then you are on your own.
If your main character is killed while you have any npcs left alive, you can reload your game, but you have to replace the life you have just saved with the life of one of your npcs (Your choice)
If you no longer have any recruitable NPCs left to pick, and then your main character dies, then it is game over.