I just finished recording the sound set I want to use and I just downloaded GIMP so I can make my portraits. Anybody else doing custom jobs on their PC?
I just finished recording the sound set I want to use and I just downloaded GIMP so I can make my portraits. Anybody else doing custom jobs on their PC?
Good on you for recording a custom sound set. I never thought my own recordings ever did my PC justice. I *have* used the IWD Gnome sound files for BG1, tho its kind of a pain as IWD has more sound options then BG1, so you have to go through them and pick the ones you want to use for what scenario and throw out several that you can't fit in.
An update on that: the good news is that I finished my portraits and they're the best I've ever done for BG. The bad news is that I can get neither the sound set nor the portraits to work. I think it's related to the files being too advanced but I don't know how to convert the files into the proper format. I'll figure it out later. I've got a month or so.
Custom pics are always a must. :P
and a portait one as well:
if you already haven't stumbled upon them.
I got sounds to work with strings finally. Will post in the thread tomorrow how.