IWD - Did Yxunomei get Nerfed at Some Point?

Does HoW or one of the patches nerf Yxunomei? I seem to remember her being a good deal tougher when I killed her playing through IWD a long time ago. This time I didn't take a single point of damage from the battle and dropped her in about 10 seconds. Just curious.
My mage stunned Yxunomei for the whole fight with a chromatic orb lol
While I don't know if HoW does rebalance her, it is also true that HoW adds that cool "Draw one, draw the entire ARMY" thingy which always was missing in BG and made up for super cheap tactics that no one appreciates XD
All that aside, I'm not impressed with any of the actual expansion content (HoW or Trials of the Luremaster). Each teleports you somewhere else and is just short and poorly done.
The Fixpack cleans up her encounter a bit--she no longer casts Cloudkill on herself, for example, and her yuan-ti priests now actually cast spells.