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IWD - Did Yxunomei get Nerfed at Some Point?

HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
edited October 2012 in Off-Topic
Does HoW or one of the patches nerf Yxunomei? I seem to remember her being a good deal tougher when I killed her playing through IWD a long time ago. This time I didn't take a single point of damage from the battle and dropped her in about 10 seconds. Just curious.


  • VikingRVikingR Member Posts: 88
    Finished IWD + HoW recently and have to agree. After some research in ancient forums about IWD, I discovered that HoW seemed to be the problem. It changes the whole balance of the the main game as well. I pretty much blasted through it on Core-Rules. Only two encounters turned out to be a bit difficult.

    My mage stunned Yxunomei for the whole fight with a chromatic orb lol
  • ZafiroZafiro Member Posts: 436
    Well, I'm recommending Auril's Bane, even if just for a "Harder Yxunomei"
  • CheesebellyCheesebelly Member Posts: 1,727
    Doesn't one of those fire potions kill her instantly anyway? XD

    While I don't know if HoW does rebalance her, it is also true that HoW adds that cool "Draw one, draw the entire ARMY" thingy which always was missing in BG and made up for super cheap tactics that no one appreciates XD
  • AltairAltair Member Posts: 128
    You need to play in Heart of Fury mode for a real challenge. I just finished Icewind Dale in HOF mode, and Yxunomei was the hardest fight of the game (must have reloaded 10 times to beat her...). I am now at the end of HOW (still in HOF difficulty), and so far so good, but I have not met Icasaracht yet...
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    Zafiro said:

    Well, I'm recommending Auril's Bane, even if just for a "Harder Yxunomei

    Yeah I saw that one out there - it makes it so you need at least +3 or better weapons to hit her. Wow. I think the only +3 weapon you can even have by that point in the game is a +3 Short Sword called "The Sword of Days" which is random to boot. I'm guessing you'd have to use magic to take her out.
  • ZafiroZafiro Member Posts: 436
    Yep, I went solo with a F/M/T; she really gave me a beating to remember her by.
  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054

    Zafiro said:

    Well, I'm recommending Auril's Bane, even if just for a "Harder Yxunomei

    Yeah I saw that one out there - it makes it so you need at least +3 or better weapons to hit her. Wow. I think the only +3 weapon you can even have by that point in the game is a +3 Short Sword called "The Sword of Days" which is random to boot. I'm guessing you'd have to use magic to take her out.
    The blacksmiths hammer will hit anything.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    edited October 2012
    decado said:

    The blacksmiths hammer will hit anything.

    That Conlan has gotta be the richest blacksmith in Faerun. He's got a hammer that'll hit a Maralith and a stacked inventory of ridiculous magical crap for sale.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566

    That Conlan has gotta be the richest blacksmith in Faerun. He's got a hammer that'll hit a Maralith and a stacked inventory of ridiculous magical crap for sale.

    Och, the man's just a simple blacksmith, looking out for his son. The thousands upon thousands of gold pieces he owns mean nothing to such a humble man.
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    That's something insightful. Maybe that is why I found her very easy, even thought that before I read that she is very tought. Does something similar happened to other IWD bosses as well?
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648

    That's something insightful. Maybe that is why I found her very easy, even thought that before I read that she is very tought. Does something similar happened to other IWD bosses as well?

    Yeah she used to be a beast when I fought her when the game first came out. Peeps probably had trouble so they dumbed her down unfortunately. Not sure about the other bosses. Her fight was the one I remembered just due to the difficulty. I think Conlan's hammer, a random short sword, and Arrows +2 were the only weapons that could even hurt her at that stage in the game. Now anything +2 or better can.

  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300

    That's something insightful. Maybe that is why I found her very easy, even thought that before I read that she is very tought. Does something similar happened to other IWD bosses as well?

    Yeah she used to be a beast when I fought her when the game first came out. Peeps probably had trouble so they dumbed her down unfortunately. Not sure about the other bosses. Her fight was the one I remembered just due to the difficulty. I think Conlan's hammer, a random short sword, and Arrows +2 were the only weapons that could even hurt her at that stage in the game. Now anything +2 or better can.

    Haven't noticed that... a shame, though - it feels good when the "bosses" are tremendously powerful!
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    So ... I guess I feel good about not having HoW then.
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    edited October 2012
    Quartz said:

    So ... I guess I feel good about not having HoW then.

    HoW is a mixed bag for certain. It also nerfs specialty mages by not letting them cast any spells from *any* of their opposition schools (rather than just the one). Also removes some of the OP items in the game which are cool but admittedly unbalanced (ex. Ring of the Warrior Thief goes bye-bye). Still it adds some cool sound sets and portraits and could be argued that it makes the game more fair.

    All that aside, I'm not impressed with any of the actual expansion content (HoW or Trials of the Luremaster). Each teleports you somewhere else and is just short and poorly done.
  • ARKdeEREHARKdeEREH Member Posts: 531
    edited October 2012
    I don't have any IWD mods, but I beat Yxunomei in a solo game on the first attempt. I don't remember her being especially difficult, just time consuming, but it was a long time ago so idk. I imagine if you have a party of six she would die much faster.
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440

    Does HoW or one of the patches nerf Yxunomei

    I don't know about the patches, but she's identical between patched IWD and patched HoW.

    The Fixpack cleans up her encounter a bit--she no longer casts Cloudkill on herself, for example, and her yuan-ti priests now actually cast spells.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    @HaHaCharade, have you tried searching for her .cre file in override folder e deleting it? That way she'd go back to her old form.
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