This made me listen to 'Nightfall in Middle-Earth' again!
You have some great thoughts on the look, I just wouldn't pick a crown that is too spiky, since it unnecessarily detracts attention from the gracious Silmaril which are the most prized treasures in the world. (So I guess you go pre Beren and Luthien) Having a big wolf-dog at your side would be great as well, if you have one at hand (don't get one just for the costume). The chains (probably shattered) are a nice touch as well, though I think the Nazgul robes are a suboptimal source for inspiration: You're the proudest of your kin after all and wouldn't be clad in rags, after all, since you're to conquer them all and show your superiority.
While Grond is your primary weapon, you also wielded a (I believe unnamed) black spear (sword in earlier versions) to wound and poison the two trees that Ungoliant subsequently sapped of their life-force. The spear is mentioned I believe in this passage only, but I don't see why the Dark Lord would get rid of one of his valuable resources (It's a popular mystery: "Where'd the spear go?").
As for your face, pale (you fear the light) and black hair, yes. I personally always imagined him somewhat similar to Irenicus: Once a man of great beauty and a little elven androginity, twisted into the grotesque and scarred. Look proud.
EDIT: Also, be sure to post a picture once your done, pretty please! Bookmarked.
You have some great thoughts on the look, I just wouldn't pick a crown that is too spiky, since it unnecessarily detracts attention from the gracious Silmaril which are the most prized treasures in the world. (So I guess you go pre Beren and Luthien) Having a big wolf-dog at your side would be great as well, if you have one at hand (don't get one just for the costume).
While Grond is your primary weapon, you also wielded a (I believe unnamed) black spear (sword in earlier versions) to wound and poison the two trees that Ungoliant subsequently sapped of their life-force. The spear is mentioned I believe in this passage only, but I don't see why the Dark Lord would get rid of one of his valuable resources (It's a popular mystery: "Where'd the spear go?").
As for your face, pale (you fear the light) and black hair, yes. I personally always imagined him somewhat similar to Irenicus: Once a man of great beauty and a little elven androginity, twisted into the grotesque and scarred. Look proud.
EDIT: Also, be sure to post a picture once your done, pretty please!