F/M/T Question..

Are F/M/T's supposed to only have one weapon quick slot? I loaded up one in BG2, just to check, and I had two starting out.. Any way I can add a second via mod or whatever to the first game?
It's still not as bad as the Cleric/Thief having their Thieving ability in the Star icon (F12) ... ugh.
(Although I'm not sure if that would then revert back the quickslots...)
That's the reason a Cleric/Thief has their thieving abilities in the special abilities menu - C/T gets two weapon slots, which is neat for a late-game Staff of the Magi + Staff of the Ram combo (in conjunction to Robe of Vecna which is kind of interestingly and potentially, the best armor a High level cleric/thief can use, but I am veering off now)... and they also get the watchacallin' it? Turn undead which should really be the special ability out of the two (thieving and as said, turn undead)
So yeah... one slot vs two slots with high impracticability... I like the former better.
Cleric/Thief bothers me having Thieving in the Special Abilities though! Turn Undead should seriously be there instead.