Info missing in the feedback screen (minor spoilers)

I have observed that the feedback screen tends to miss some important information, even when all the options for feedback are checked (which is how I always play). In the following example Nalia and Rasaad hit Firkraag successfully, three times in total, but no further info is displayed about it in the feedback screen. Did they inflict any damage? Was the damage resisted? Was the weapon ineffective? My guess is number 3, because at that stage they were attacking with non magical missiles, and I guess Firkraag might be immune to those. But there's no info about it on screen.

Something similar happens in the next screenshot. Nalia casts Slow on Firkraag (top of the text), but there's no feedback on what happened with that spell. Did Firkraag resist it? Did he save against spell? Did he actually get slowed?

I have seen this happen hundreds of times. I post it in the general forum because I think it's the same in BG1.

Something similar happens in the next screenshot. Nalia casts Slow on Firkraag (top of the text), but there's no feedback on what happened with that spell. Did Firkraag resist it? Did he save against spell? Did he actually get slowed?

I have seen this happen hundreds of times. I post it in the general forum because I think it's the same in BG1.
Post edited by Alonso on
I am not sure on the Slow, but if he had resisted it then the text should say Firkraag: Magic Resistance.
Maybe he was slightly out of range?
What version of the game are you running? (for instance the Steam beta or release version) Are you running any mods?
As you can see, the bear hits Firkraag and inflicts some damage.
Don't think so. If he was out of range the spell would have been cancelled, no?